Imagine if hawk-eye/Clint never meet Laura
imagine if he and black-widow/Natasha got married and had a daughter who the avengers did know but for what you think the avengers only know her as the famous Olympian but there is more to her backstory...
we left and got to the base that was in china and i landed the jet and said "ok so Steve you tell your team what to do and i will tell mine" Steve said "no i am good you can be in charge" i said "ok so Upton,Ruzek,Wanda,mom,and dad you guy's are on team a i need team a to go through b side of the building to see if there's any hostages and if so release them b team is Vision,Voight,Halstead,Barnes,stark so b team is going to collect data c team is Burgess,Atwater, Banner,Denver's,strange c team's job is to Secure perimeter and finally d team is roger,Odinson,Rhodes,Wilson and me are d team our job is to fight off the soldiers they all said "ok well let's get to it" (this is somewhat of what the fight looked like scarlet is bat in these clips)
(but she was shooting guards and it was real not a simulation ) -AFTER FIGHT- i learned that ruzek got shot so i was holding my hand on his wound to stop the bleeding and toke the bullet out and ditched him up we then learned that hydra attacked my Russia house so we are going to my Australia house it would only take a few hours away we got there and stark said "every time we see one of your houses it always gets better and better"
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