Chapter 13

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Hey guys I know it's been awhile but I'm going to finish this story and that's a promise.

Olivia's Pov

It's been several months since the accident between Harry and I, we still argue sometime but we try our best to work through it. Tonight One Direction is having a kick off party at Club 7 for their Where We Are Tour. I'm so excited because not only do Molly and I get to go, we get to meet some celebrities. Like I heard that Ariana Grande and Big Sean are coming, as well as Katy Perry, Little Mix, AND BEST OF ALL 5SOS!! Ahh I love them, especially Ashton but don't tell Harry I said that he might get jealous and punch Ashton in the face!

The boys are already at the club help setting up. Molly is on her way over but while I wait I might as well start on the food. Now I'm not doing all the catering but I'm helping also knowing Molly she is gonna want some. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge to see what all we have which isn't much. Harry likes to eat out most of the time which I don't mind. I see veggies and ranch dip. So I guess I'm making a veggie tray. I pull them out and open the cabinets to find a chopping block. As I began chopping them I realized I should probably wash them first, after washing them I begin slicing and dicing. *knock knock* I'm hoping that's Molly. I walk towards the door and look through the peephole to in fact see her standing there with bunch of bags? Weird but I open the door anyways.

"Um Molly what is all this?" I ask. "It's clothes for the party duh!" Molly said like it was obvious. "I do have clothes you know?" "Yea but not party clothes Liv" Molly smirked. "Besides we need to look sexy for Ashton and Mikey!" I laughed "Um Molly don't you think you should want to look sexy for oh gee I don't know um Niall?" I looked at her and her facial expression when I mentioned Niall was priceless. "Oh well yea of course but you know um well you know what I mean" she blushed in embarrassment. "Oh what would Niall say!" I gasped dramatically. "Shut up you, you butt! I'm sure Harry wouldn't be so thrilled either so hush" I put my hands up in surrender. "Alright fine you got me on that one but at least lets do it for OUR boys." "Deal!" We both giggled.

I grab the bags from her to see what she got. I'm beyond ecstatic! It's the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. "Is this one mine?" I ask holding up the shimmery light teal dress. "You bet it is, I saw it and I knew it was perfect for you. I got this for me. She held up a light purple dress with studs across it. It is definitely her! We are so killing this party tonight. "Molly what about-" "Way ahead of you girl, shoes and accessories right here darling" She says while holding up another bag. I look and see matching jewelry and shoes to go with my dress. "Oh my gosh Molly you're amazing I love them and you!" I drop the bag and pull her into a massive hug. "Aye be careful with the merch girl but awww I love you too biffle!" I pull away and give her an odd glance. "Biffle? You're crazy-" "But you love me, I know" She dramatically flips her hair and bats her eyes at me. Then we both fall into a fit of laughter.

"What time is this party anyways?" She asked while undressing. "Not till- OH MY GOSH WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE, THE PARTY STARTS IN 30 MINUTES!" I yell frantically at her. "Ugh where did all the time go" I sigh. "Calm down, we'll just be fashionably late like always haha." She giggles and she tries to zip up her dress. I walk over and zip her up, while trying to take my shirt off in the process. "True but I didn't even finish the veggie tray, Harry gave me one simple job and I couldn't even do that! He's going to be mad" I was becoming frustrated, one because I couldn't zip up my dress which Molly helped with and two the veggie tray. "Chill out girl, all will be ok. Now let me do your makeup and you can do our hair." I nodded and we tried to hurry getting ready.

*30 minutes later*

Harry's Pov

I came to the club to help the boys set up, after it was finished of course only then did the 5SOS lads so up, only that they were supposed to be here a few hours ago helping. "Finally what took you guys so long" Zayn asked as he plopped onto one the sofas. "Sorry mate but Luke got carsick and well let's just say we all needed to freshen up...Again." Callum implied.
"All that matters is your here now!" Liam added. "Yeah all we need now is the food, people and a D.J." Niall shouted from across the room as he and Louis were trying to figure out the sound system. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Didn't you say your girlfriends were joining us tonight Harry?" Ashton asked. "YOU HAVE TWO GIRLFRIENDS, THATS MESSED UP BRO!" Mikey yelled in my face. "No Mikey, just one and I love her to death; the other is Niall's girl. They should be here soon. Just as I said that Simon walked through the doors, behind him was a bunch of yelling people, paps and celebrities. "Well boys I think it's about time we start letting people in although I don't see the girls here. Where are they?"

"They are on their way" I hope.

Olivia's Pov
"Ugh why is there so much traffic? Now we are really going to be late!" I yelled at the cars in front of me, begging them to move but of course it didn't work. "Calm down; their probably all trying to get to Club 7 like us, we aren't the only ones that know about the boys kickoff party" Molly says ever so calmly when she was practically the one screaming and trying to get us both out the door. "So what are we gonna do?" I looked over her and I could tell she had her thinking hat on, her face scrunches up and she puts her chin on her fist. "I GOT IT!" I nearly jumped out of my seat at her reaction. I looked her waiting for her to continue.

"Well if you look towards your left there's a street and I bet you a hundred bucks if we take that we'll be there in no time" she smiles proudly. "Ok seems like a good plan but what if we get lost I have no idea where that leads" I try to point out without yelling at her, I'm really getting frustrated. "Haha leave that to me, I know all these back roads." She said. "And how exactly is that?" I question. "Basically I was really bored one day and went adventuring" she says nonchalantly. I just sigh and do what she says.

After five minutes of taking sharp turns and speeding through the alleyway we were there. "Well I guess I should listen to you more often then huh?" I parked the car. We walked up to the club with our arms linked, there were flashing lights everywhere and I'm not talking about the paparazzi. The sign had neon purple and blue light bulbs blinking in a fast motion. So much, if I continued to stare I'd probably get a headache.

We walked in to see all the boys standing around doing nothing, except Harry he looked worried. I walked over to him and put my hands over his eyes. "You look very sexy when you're nervous" I whispered seductively. He yanked my hands off and pulled me into a firm hug. "You're here, I was getting worried and starting to think the worst!" Harry whispered yelled. I just laughed and shrugged although he has been very protective of me ever since the accident. "No worries I'm fine; Molly and I just got into a bit of traffic but from the looks of it I'm assuming it's for your party."

"How'd you get here so quick then?" He asked. "You can thank me! I could drive these roads blindfolded" Molly laughed while leaning closer to Niall. "Well for everyone's safety let's not do that." Niall exclaimed while turning her around and pecking her on the nose. Harry starts to say "Now thats settled, I'd like to introduce you to-" "FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER AHHH" Molly and I scream as if we were stepping on glass. The 5sos boys look at us and laugh. They come towards us and give Molly and I each a hug and kiss on the cheek. We squeal like the fan girls that we are.

"How come we didn't that reaction from you when you met us?" Harry asks and I can tell he's jealous. "That's because I wasn't a fan then." I simply state, knowing he wouldn't like that answer.

Simon walks over to us "I think it's time to open the doors" and with that he signals the guards to do so.

"Here we go"

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