Chapter 2: A Night At The Musical

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Chapter 2: A Night At The Musical

Elsa threaded one of her earrings into her ear and sighed. Her grim reflection looked back at her. This was a mistake but she had to start making up for all her absents over the past three years. A sigh came out of her as she stared into her broken mirror. Why is life doing this to her? Oh right, it was karma. Another sigh came out of her. Guess she better get going. She hesitated as she reached for her purse. Should she be doing this? It kept going round and round and round her head. She gazed back into the mirror. Well, at least she looked the part. Donning on a simple blue dress with matching heels, it was probably the first time she was in half-decent clothes in about three years.

Grimacing and forcing herself, she snatched up her purse and headed out the door. Anna was already in her driveway, honking the horn with a smile on her face. Last chance, Elsa thought to herself. There was a split second in which she did consider sprinting back into her house but she just kept forcing herself to keep putting one foot after the other. Opening the door, Elsa sat down on the passenger side of Anna's car.

"Hey, sis!" Anna said, a little too happily for Elsa's liking. "Ready to hit the theatre up?"

"I guess?"

The drive to the theatre was short which Elsa was grateful for. She hadn't exactly hung out with her younger sister for a while now and the silence was killing her. It wasn't like Elsa didn't notice the looks Anna was shooting her as they waited in traffic and the awkward taps she did on the steering wheel. The radio was playing some old songs from the early 2000s but Elsa wasn't really listening. She was more intent on looking out the window at the night sky.

"So, um," Elsa cast her mind around for a subject they could neutrally discuss, "what's this play we are going to?

"It's about musical a woman who is in love with her female best friend but they live in a narrowed minded town. It's supposed to be the best thing since Hamilton."

"Oh, sounds interesting."

They got to the theatre about ten minutes before the show started. Quickly rushing into the building, they managed to find their seats just before the curtain was raised and it centred on a girl walking around a town. The orchestra started to play the introduction to the first song of the night and the girl started to sing.

"Oh, love is indeed a fickle thing, everyone wants that diamond ring," the girl paused for dramatic effect and suddenly all the townspeople extras started into a group dance scene. "Swing this way, don't swing over there, it's more than I can practically bear."

Elsa let herself be consumed with the play. It was probably the first time in the last three years in which she was granted permission to think about something.... other than that. The play was actually really good although Elsa's eyes kept flicking towards the main character's little brother. He was the exact same age as...Stop it she told herself. She tried to mentally shake herself but it only got worse from there.

Intermission came and it was a chance for everyone to stretch their legs. Elsa walked over to the bar and ordered a strong drink. In the background, she could see Anna looking over at her with a sad expression. Okay, so she may have a problem but she didn't care. In fact, it had been a while since she cared about herself. Elsa drained the glass in one go and headed back to where Anna was standing holding the program.

"What do you think of the play so far?" she asked when she noticed that Elsa was back.

"It's good," Elsa shrugged. To be honest, it was a brilliant play that accurately described life for the LGBT+ community in a small town in the early sixties but Elsa's mind was hovering elsewhere. It was that boy playing the younger brother.

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