The Slytherin

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Warning: This story is rated M. There is sexual content, swearing, and adult themes ahead. You have been warned.

All characters are depicted as 18+ and please remember - this is a fictional story, I am not trying to sexualize any BTS member or interpret them as bad people. This is completely fictional, please don't take it too seriously. With that being said, enjoy 𝑀𝓎 𝒮𝓁𝓎𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃.

Please note that although this is based on the Harry Potter universe it does not take place at the same time. There will be no mention of the characters from the HP universe, I am simply using its themes, rules, and terms to craft a fictional story. I'm not a diehard HP fan so I don't want to risk getting anything wrong by including specific elements from the universe. Now let's start the story...

AGAIN: THIS STORY WILL GET ELEMENTS OF HP WRONG, IT IS NOT A RETELLING OF THE HP UNIVERSE OR EVEN ACCURATE TO IT. PLEASE DO NOT EXPECT 100% CORRECTNESS AS I WILL BE OMITTING OR STRETCHING DETAILS PRESENT IN THE HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE TO TELL A STORY. I know I sound harsh or rude, but I don't want comments telling me that 'oh in HP this is different' when I'm not telling a HP story, I'm telling a BTS story with borrowed elements from HP. Please understand that.


"Watch where you're going asshole."

Jimin looks at you, raising a brow, "Sorry, what was that?"

You hold your ground, "I said... watch where you're going, asshole."

He snickers, looking at the two boys next to him. "Would you look at this... the Gryff has some sass after all."

You roll your eyes, "Only when it comes to you. Now, get out of my way Park, I have class."

"Woah woah, who said you could leave?" he asks, placing his hands on your shoulders.

Of course, you don't take his shit, ripping yourself away from him. "Byeee," you say, slipping inside the class Jimin was holding you back from. Ah yes, potion making, the best class. You roll your eyes again, sitting down. Apparently the world wants to curse you.

Park Jimin

Your enemy since you were a kid. He's been your enemy for years now, into your adulthood. Now since the two of you are grown, you'd think the rivalry would calm down a bit... but no. Not in the slightest. Every year you'd have at least one class together, and every time he'd be an ass to you.

It wasn't always specifically you. There were other girls and boys he would challenge, his arrogance being his strongest trait. However one day, he messed with the wrong person. Your childhood friend, Dahyun. As soon as he did that it was pretty much a death sentence for him. You got up in his face, and from there on out, he took an interest in you. At first it was just him knowing your name, then it was the 'friendly' competitions, then it became antagonistic.

He became an asshole. You have many Slytherin friends, one being a close friend named Yoongi, so you know not all of them are bad... but what the fuck why do all the worst people come from Slytherin? You've seen it before, Slytherins picking on Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Those poor groups... you wish you could just wrap them all up in a blanket.

Before you can fall deeper into your thoughts, the familiar man you were just thinking about sits down next to you, opening his textbook. Despite how bad of a person he is - he is good competition. Top of the class, great at fighting, great at quidditch... but there's one thing he was never fantastic at. Potions. What are you good at? Potions. And that's where the rivalry began...


Jimin watches as the class finishes up, everyone packing their bags. Meanwhile Jimin stays seated and observes the girl next to him. Y/n L/n. His enemy for years now. He almost laughs. She's good competition, he'll give her that. He has a lot of fun picking on her, she always gives the best reactions. However there's one problem: her best fucking friend. Jimin rolls his eyes as the man comes bumbling inside the classroom as he does every God damn day after class ends.



She jumps up and hops into his open arms, Jimin sighing and going back to doodling in his notebook. This girl is really testing his patience. Getting her attention while Jungkook is around is borderline impossible. Not only is Jungkook not scared to throw punches, but she cares more about Jungkook than Jimin. For some reason the thought stings, but he brushes it off.

Jimin looks over at them reluctantly, watching as they excitedly talk to one another. One of the biggest rumors in the school is that they're fucking. Jimin believes it, just look at them, they're so close it's crazy. Every second of every day it seems like they're next to each other. If Jungkook is hurt, Y/n is right by his side and vice versa. They're stuck together like glue and it's frustrating. "Are you two done being all lovey dovey?" Jimin calls loud enough for them to hear.

Y/n's smile falters, Jungkook standing in front of her protectively. "What's wrong Jimin? Lonely?"

Jimin laughs, then taps the shoulder of the girl sitting in front of him. She turns and looks at him, "Yeah?"

"Wanna fuck?"

She eyes him up and down, "Hell yeah."

Jimin snickers and looks at Jungkook. "Your point?"

"Come on let's just go, let him stay for the extra credit if he wants to," Y/n says.

"You're not getting it?" Jungkook asks in surprise.

"Why would I? My grades are higher than Jimin's with or without the extra credit, so I'm not wasting my time." Jimin grits his teeth as the two best friends saunter out of the class, leaving Jimin with the stragglers who want extra credit.

"So are we fucking or...?" the girl asks.

He doesn't even know her name and they've been in this class together for a while now. "No," he replies, "leave me alone."

"Wow, you're friendly."

She turns back around to leave Jimin to his own thoughts. He sighs and looks at the paper he's doodling on, finishing it up. When he truly looks at the paper to see what he was naturally drawing, his eyes widen. This whole time he was drawing Y/n.

He gulps and slams his notebook closed, wondering what the hell is getting into him. He's never done anything like this before, why would it change now? What the hell is going on with him? Jimin eyes his notebook, debating if he should make it more than just a doodle when the professor starts lecturing them about the importance of grades. So, Jimin sighs and half-listens, opening to a blank page and starting another doodle while letting his mind wander. And when he finished that doodle, he was surprised to see he doodled Y/n again...


A/N: Welcome to My Slytherin, as with all my stories, it gets better as it goes on but this is the prologue showing that Jimin is already in love smh. Not really but he's getting there. Probably.

This work is a few years old now (it was posted on Quotev before Wattpad), and looking back, I'm not very proud of it. I hope you guys find enjoyment with this story, but I strongly encourage you to check out my newer work to see how I've improved over the years!

𝑀𝓎 𝒮𝓁𝓎𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃 || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now