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What the fuck is going on with Park Jimin?

It's been three weeks since that night in his room where he cuddled you and the two of you fell asleep together. Three weeks. Now he's distant as hell. He hasn't talked to you or looked in your direction, it's like the sudden closeness was too much for him to handle, so he ran away. You roll your eyes at the thought. Is he seriously that immature that he can't handle getting close to a woman? You know he's had plenty of fuck buddies, how are you any different? Hell - the two of you didn't even fuck but now he's acting like a total shy bitch. Of course you refuse to talk to him first (pettiness at its finest), but normally he talks to you first anyway. What changed?

Taehyung the Hufflepuff is sitting next to you, you letting out a soft sigh. "Everything okay?" he asks.

You chuckle, "I have no idea. Hey - you're good friends with Jimin, right?"

Tae nods, "I like to think so."

"Cool cool, what's been up with him recently? Is it just me or does he seem... different?"

"Ah he's training for that maze thing."

"Maze thing?"

"Yeah, every year there's this event where you have to go through a maze, whoever gets to the end of it first wins."

"Wins what?"

"Points for their house, glory, a trophy too. It's a big event a lot of people participate in. He's been staying up late doing those practice mazes they set up."

"Maybe I should do that, that way he can't ignore me anymore."

Tae lets both his brows shoot up, "Jimin's... ignoring you?"

"I guess, he hasn't talked to me in three weeks. Normally he can't go three hours without bothering me."

Tae seems even more confused, "Wait, he's not talking to you?"

"Yeah, he's not talking to me."

"Wow that's... surprising. Are you sure?"

"No I'm not sure that someone isn't talking to me," you sarcastically reply, him picking up on your joking tone.

Tae chuckles, "Sorry, sorry. That's not like him, that's all. I'm surprised I guess." You peek at Tae, wondering what the hell he's thinking. "I'll ask him if he's been purposefully ignoring you, how about that?" Tae offers.

You hum, "I'd like that, thank you."

Tae does a small nod, "Then I'll ask him tonight."


"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Tae watches Jimin groan, placing his hands on his forehead. "Did you not come to me whining about how you think you're in love with her and now you can't even talk to her?" Tae asks.

Jimin stares at him with sad eyes. "I don't get it! I can bluntly ask girls if they want to fuck but I can't say hi to her anymore. I really don't understand what to do anymore. How do I talk to women?" Jimin desperately asks.

"How would I know? I'm gay as fuck!"

Jimin huffs and sinks down deeper into his chair. They're in the Slytherin common room, the place pretty much deserted. It's one of those days where everyone is more interested in sleeping than talking to friends and/or studying. "She said she might join the maze."

"Shit," Jimin mumbles, "that's a terrible idea. How about this - you have her number?" Tae nods. "Text her and tell her not to do the maze."

"I'm not her owner, I'm not telling her what she can and can't do."

"But it could be dangerous, last year there was a Gremlocks attack that injured dozens of students, me among them," Jimin says. Stupid Gremlocks, little fluffy menaces. They're easy enough to take care of, but they travel in packs, which makes them harder to hit and easy for them to overwhelm the students.

"So? No one died, they're not deadly just aggressive sometimes. She'll be fine I'm sure," Tae replies.

Jimin runs a hand through his hair and groans. Why can't this be easy? "I don't want her getting hurt."

"Then find her in the maze, you're a top student who wins every year I seriously doubt it'll be that hard for you to find her," Tae says.

"What if Chantelle attacks? What about the Daunted?"

Tae almost scoffs, "They got defeated ten years ago. No way in hell they're coming back." Jimin stays quiet, so Tae sighs. "Do you like her enough to go find her and keep her safe?"

Jimin rolls his eyes. Shit, he's picking up Y/n's signature moves now. Fuck. "Don't even go there. You know I like her a dangerous amount. I... I shouldn't like her though, right?"

Taehyung does the same thing Jimin did: he rolls his eyes. "Are you seriously this deep in denial? I see the way you look at her bro. Come on, it's obvious. Man up and confess to her."

"I'm her bully. I break her phones, I call her names, I hurt her. I'm not supposed to be the one who does some cliché under the cherry blossoms confession where we kiss and get together."

"Then what are you gonna do?" Tae asks.

"I don't know. I have no fucking idea, but there's two facts here."

Tae raises a brow, "What facts?"

"Fact number one - I suck at relationships. I'd break her heart in the first week of us dating. Fact number two - she doesn't like me. Maybe, just maybe she's physically attracted to me because who isn't, but not because of my personality."

"How do you know?" Tae asks, "she was asking about you today, you think enemies do that for each other?"

"Tae, I appreciate you hyping me up, but you really need to realize that I'm not getting in with her. The only thing I can do is either become friends with benefits with her or try to forget my feelings. Fuck, I don't even know how this happened. One day I looked at her and everything changed. I started doodling her in my notebook without even noticing it, I did everything I could to get her attention and I didn't know why. I even started calling her my princess... not in a sarcastic or demeaning way, in a romantic way."

His friend laughs. "Dude you're in love," Tae says.

"Shut up, you're in hitting distance Hufflepuff."

Tae snickers and nods, shaking Jimin off, "Right, right. I'm so scared Park. You're so dumb. Literally just confess to her. The worse that happens is she rejects you and you go back to being enemies. Does she seem like the type to like I don't know, harshly reject you?" Jimin shakes his head. "Then what's there to lose? Worst case she rejects you, best case you're screwing her by the end of the day," Tae says. Well... that's a good point. Jimin's confident when it comes to sex. But feelings? Never. He'll never be confident with that. How can he be? He's been destroyed in so many different ways, and he's not saying that to be edgy or dramatic: it's the truth.

As if sensing his thoughts, Tae sighs and pats him on the shoulder. "At least kiss her to see what happens, if she pushes you off, deny feelings and say you only wanted some fun. How about that?"

"Yeah, cause me kissing my crush out of no where is totally not gonna equal harassment," Jimin groans.

"She doesn't seem like the type to be mad about that. And what if she likes you back?" Jimin's heart jumps at the thought, but he decides to sigh instead of reply. Tae gives his shoulder a squeeze, "Think about it, okay?" Jimin meets Tae's eyes and nods.

"Okay... I'll think about it..."

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