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A/N: Good luck besties <3

"Why'd you bring me here?" Chantelle asks.

They don't answer, they merely giggle while guiding Chantelle down the corridor. He furrows his brows, but knows better than to question his two friends. They lead him down the hallway for several more minutes until they walk out to the courtyard. Chantelle's jaw drops. Half the school must be here. They're all outside, skipping and playing, dancing and celebrating lord knows what.

"Is there a festival I don't know about?" Chantelle asks. Again - no answer.

His two friends, Taemin and Yuki, shake him off. "Can I be honest Chan?" Taemin asks. Chantelle's only left more confused, but he nods nonetheless. "You're an asshole who'll never amount to anything in life. We're not friends. We never were and we never will be. You're nothing more than the little pet we dragged around to do our bidding," Taemin says.

Chantelle's whole world falls apart with those few sentences. Before he even knows what's happening, Yuki pulls out his wand and shoots Chantelle back on his ass. Right in front of everyone. They all laugh at him, gathering round and curious to see what the fight is about. "You prick!" Chantelle shouts. He gets to his knees as they come over, standing over him in triumph.

"Look at that, we got lil Channie on his knees. You'll never be anything more than just a dumb loner. Horrible grades, shy, no personality. No one wants to be friends with you. You clung onto us and made yourself think we liked you," Yuki says.

Chantelle's eyes widen, "But we've been friends for years."

"Oh look - Chan has imaginary friends now." Taemin laughs, and the school laughs with him.

Then, Yuki and Taemin get shoved out of the way. A single man stands there, holding his wand out. "Leave him alone!" the man yells, standing protectively in front of Chantelle. His eyes expand watching the mystery man defend him. Why him? Why is any of this happening to him?

"Pil-woo, get out of the way," Taemin says with a hand wave.

"Not when you're bullying an innocent man in front of half the school. Honestly, what's your problem?" the man replies.

Chantelle recognizes him now. Park Pil-woo, one of the top students. Top wizards. He's supposed to be like a God at this school. Everyone respects him, but clearly not Yuki and Taemin, otherwise they would've stood down by now. Chantelle feels a bit honored knowing this respectable man is defending him. The top wizard who aces every test in every class is staring down Chantelle's enemies without a lick of fear radiating from his body.

"He deserves it. I'm sure everyone will agree with me there. All this loser does is sit in the back and makes everyone's lives miserable just by existing. We hate him. He's tried to be our friend for years and we were never comfortable with it," Yuki explains. Chantelle's heart pangs. He thought he had true friends. Guess this whole time he was wrong.

"So you resort to this? Bullying him in front of everyone? You should be ashamed of yourselves," Pil-woo says, putting his wand away and turning to Chantelle. He kneels to be eye level with the broken man. "Are you okay?" he asks. Chantelle stares with admiration. The entire school is laughing at him. His only two friends hate him and embarrassed him in front of everyone. The pain hits hard, sure, but all Chantelle can feel is his heart beating faster. That day, Chantelle found out what love is. The only problem is, that same person also taught him heartbreak. Park Pil-woo. The father of Park Jimin.


You stare at the cave, gripping your wand tightly. Now you're no idiot. You know pretty damn well that this is probably a trap. There's one tiny problem though: you miss your family. Your entire life you've had no love, no guidance, no parents. When you said you raised yourself, you weren't kidding. They left you at a young age. That longing to have them in your life... it hurts. Seeing that fire message brought out a new part of you. The part of you that was trying so hard to hide the pain.

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