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Jungkook peeks around the infirmary with surprise. Somehow him and Tae haven't been kicked out yet. They're an unlikely duo, but Jimin told them the news: Y/n was going to a cave to meet with her father. Jimin didn't want to be overbearing if it really was just an innocent meeting with her father, but he wanted backup in case it was far from innocent. He wanted Tae and Jungkook there ready to cast a flare spell and signal the entire school to their position. They came a little later than Jimin, but they came fast enough to maybe save his life.

The Ravenclaw gazes down at the Slytherin, watching the nurses get to work using spells and their hands and medical supplies to heal him. His arm and leg get snapped back into place, the wounds littering his face getting healed with magic. There's no way he's standing for weeks even if he gets stabilized now. The nurses said something about multiple fractured ribs, maybe even broken ones. But there's something even worse: a rib punctured his lung. That's the scariest part right now.

"Please clear out, get back to your rooms," a nurse says to Taekook. The two men huff but agree, turning around and reluctantly leaving Jimin there. Jungkook wants to be right by the boy's side. He wonders where Y/n went. This doesn't seem like something she'd sit out on. Maybe she got held back by something, or maybe something worse... maybe Chantelle and the Daunted are here. Already though? That seems fast. How'd they even get in? The entire school's on lockdown. Where could they have possibly entered from?

Jungkook and Taehyung stroll outside the infirmary side by side, their eyes on the ground. "Do you think he'll pull through?" Tae quietly asks. Oh yeah. Jungkook completely forgot that Tae is Jimin's best friend. Those two are inseparable.

Jungkook's frown deepens, "I hope so. I mean that, by the way. I really hope he pulls through. He has a lot of injuries though, so it'll be difficult." They keep going, Tae about to reply when it feels like the entire school shakes. They both go still.

"What the hell was that?" Tae mumbles.

"They're here," Jungkook's quick to reply, "there's no way our school shook because of an earthquake or some dumb shit like that. They have to be here. Tae, you need to run, get back to Hufflepuff and defend it."

"What about you?" Tae asks.

"I'm going back for her. I can't leave my best friend behind. I can't," he says while shaking his head. What kind of friend would he be if he did that? A pretty terrible one. Besides, Y/n would do it for him.

"What if she's looking for you?"

"Even more reason to go after her now and make sure she doesn't get hurt. Get back to Hufflepuff."

"Oh hell no, I'm not leaving you to do this on your own. Wherever you go, I go Jeon. I'd be a lot safer with one of our best wizards by my side," Tae says.

Jungkook furrows his brows, "I'm far from a top wizard."

"But you're amazing at defense. Now let's stop arguing and go. The faster we find Y/n, the faster we can get to safety." Jungkook gulps and reluctantly agrees. They need to move and they need to move now. He doesn't want to bring Tae into danger, but the Hufflepuff isn't backing down. Well, the more the merrier.

Jungkook brings Tae down the hall, his breathing jagged as he draws his black, curved wand. Tae's wand is actually pretty similar. His is brown though. Brown, curved, and it has a nature-like design to it. There's designs of leaves and vines engraved into the handle of his wand. Jungkook's doesn't have that: his is rather plain. It's never failed him though. This entire time he's kicked ass in defense class because of it. Maybe Tae's right - maybe Jungkook's a top student after all. It's a terrible time for it, but Jungkook has to admit that Taehyung being right is, uh, kind of hot...

They come closer to the source of the screaming and pounding, Jungkook's heartbeat increasing. "This is a terrible idea," Jungkook mumbles.

Tae nods in agreement, "So terrible that we should just get it over with." Damn Tae's logic. The sooner they're done, the sooner they can get back to Y/n and Jimin. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat and turns the corner. He's not sure what he was expecting to see. Probably some bodies, maybe some spells, some enemies fighting the professors... but it's ten times worse than that. It's a damn massacre.

Jungkook's jaw drops at the sight of the professors on the ground, either dead or unconscious, most likely dead. He almost throws up, his eyes nearly bursting out of his skull. What the... no, this can't be right. The professors are the most highly trained wizards around! There's no way they're losing! There's some of the Daunted on the ground too. Not nearly as many, but enough to leave a dent. "If the professors couldn't stop them, there's no way we can," Tae says. Jungkook once again finds himself agreeing with Tae. They sit back behind the corner and hide themselves from view. More spells and screams sound off. There's very few professors left in the main area, but they're still fighting hard.

"What do we do?" Jungkook asks in a whisper.

"We circle back to the infirmary, look for Y/n there. That's most likely the first place she would've gone. If not, then we get to Gryffindor and see if she's inside. They'll let us in regardless of our house. They have to," Tae says. Jungkook shakily nods, softly crying. Tae rests a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, it's okay. It's all gonna be okay."

"Our school is under attack from the most dangerous witches and wizards on the planet. I doubt anything will be okay."

Tae gives him a look of sympathy before grabbing Jungkook's hand. "Come on, let's go." Jungkook instinctively squeezes Tae's hand. Together they sprint down the halls. First they reach the infirmary again. It's safe to say that Y/n's not there, and Jimin's still undergoing treatment. So they keep going. They run and run until they feel like they can't run anymore. Jungkook's still crying, traumatized by what he's seen and what he'll continue to see as the day progresses.

The door to Gryffindor is open, many students piling inside. Taekook join that side, sprinting in and desperately searching. "Y/n!" Jungkook shouts. The fear hits hard now. He can mourn and get depressed later. Right now his best friend is the top priority. Unfortunately the common room is so crowded with students that it's nearly impossible to find her. "Y/N!" Jungkook yells again, much louder than before. He's about to give up when Namjoon and Jin part through the crowd.

"Jungkook! Tae! This way!" Jin says.

Taekook follow the older two until they reach the corner where Yoongi, Hoseok, and Y/n are. Jungkook instantly engulfs Y/n in his arms. "Oh my God... you're okay, you're actually okay," he mumbles, "Jimin's undergoing treatment, I don't know his status. But God Y/n, I got so scared."

He pulls back and meets Y/n's scared eyes. "I was terrified too," she says, placing a hand on his cheek. She sniffles, shaking her head. "Koo... what do we do?"

He keeps his stare on hers, letting a soft sigh pass his lips. "Honestly?" She nods, and he closes his eyes. "I have no fucking idea."

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