Week Two

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George had started to count down the weeks in his journal.

Currently, he was sitting on one of the hard plastic chairs that had been placed in a circle in the common area for group therapy.

The Brit had never been one to share his feelings. Her preferred to deal with everything himself and not worry other people.

That's one of the reasons why group therapy had been so rough lately. Nurse Niki was the one who lead the sessions. It was nice, George found her comforting. She never forced anyone to talk if they weren't comfortable, it was just highly encouraged.

Even though George wasn't that great at talking, he always listened. He listened carefully and patiently as the others in the circle responded to Niki's questions and shared parts of their stories. The brunette learned that the ward held all different types of people that had delt with all different types of issues.


Tuesday the itching and craving had finally subsided a reasonable amount, however George was tired.

It felt too early as he stood in the shower letting the warm water wash over his body. He still hadn't gotten used to having a nurse in the bathroom yet.

Breakfast dragged on slowly as he sat and picked at his pancakes. The other patients talked amongst themselves and laughed. The Brit still chose not to converse with many other people, so he chose to sit silently with his thoughts.

He didn't want to get close to any one, he just wanted to leave.

After breakfast he retreated back to his room. He sat and doodled in his composition note book on his bed, listening to the faint sounds of birds chirping outside his window.

Nurses came in and out, seeming to look through vacant side of his room. He found this weird, but didn't have the energy to question it.


Wednesday he was feeling a bit better. After lunch he made his way back out to the common area and plopped down on one of the couches that Karl was sitting on. The boy gave him a smile.

"Did you hear that we're getting a new patient?" He asked excitedly.

Frankly, the Brit didn't understand why he was excited. He felt bad for whatever pour soul would be trapped in here with them.

"No, who are they?" He questioned back.

"Not sure, I just heard the doctors talking before group that he would be coming later tonight,"


During dinner, the others talked about what movie they wanted to watch seeing that no day was Wednesday. George didn't really care, so he stayed to his normal routine of not talking.

He still had a couple of hours after dinner before the movies, and everyone else seemed to be in their rooms.

The Brit grabbed his notebook and went to the common area. He sat on one of the smaller patterned couches and grabbed a black ink pen.

He didn't really know what to do, so he started to write another letter to Wilbur and Tommy.

About 30 minutes later he heard foot steps and voices coming from the hall. It was normal for the doctors and nurses to walk around and check on everyone at this time so he didn't really pay attention.

However what did catch his eye, or rather his ear, was the unfamiliar voice he heard. He tried to refocus on writing, but the two people seemed to be coming closer.

George was sitting cross cross on the couch with his journal in his lap when he looked up and saw one of the nurses, Nurse Puffy, leading an unfamiliar face right in the direction of where he was.

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