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"Illegal gambling?" Irene sat down at the table, setting the plate full of macarons down.

"Yes," Wendy answered. She grabbed one of the sweet treats and took a bite. "And I blame this on you, Whee."

"What?!" The brunette was about to reach for the pink macaron. She looked at her pouting friend. "How is it my fault?"

"If you had shown up, I wouldn't have been there when those policemen arrived. Do you know how it feels like to be interrogated like you're some sort of criminal?"

"I didn't know, okay? I was seriously feeling under the weather."

"I assume they suspect me of running the whole thing at the bar?" Irene calmly asked.

"Why did you think that?" WheeIn asked.

Irene gestured with her head and both her friends turned around to see two women walking towards them.

"Good afternoon, ladies," Byul greeted the group. "I'm looking for Miss Bae Joohyun?"

"Call me Irene," the oldest among the group said and stood up. She extended her hand.

Byul shook it, bowing a bit. "I'm Inspector Moon Byul-Yi from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency and this is my partner, Inspector Kang Seulgi." She showed Irene her badge.

Seulgi bowed.

"We have some questions we would like to ask you regarding your sports bar in Itaewon," Byul continued.

Irene started to walk. "Let's talk in my office."

Byul and Seulgi followed Irene into the back of the café, towards a small office.

"Have a seat." Irene gestured at the two empty chairs in front of her desk before taking a seat herself. She clasped her hands on the desk. "So how can I help you?"

"Miss Son Seungwan is your friend?" Byul asked.

Irene nodded. "Does this have something to do with those people you arrested at my bar last night?"

"Yes. Do you know any of them?" Seulgi showed Irene the photos in her tablet.

Irene frowned. "Seungwan or Wendy, is my friend. She was waiting for my other friend who canceled on her. I can vouch for her. She doesn't gamble. She's not that type. As for these men..." She stared at the screen then shook her head. "I've never seen any of them."

"How about these men?" Seulgi showed another batch of photos containing Joong Heon and Joon-gook's pictures.

Irene winced when she saw the dead man's picture. "Is he dead?"

"Yes. We found him floating in the Han River a month ago," Byul said.

Irene was about to say something else when she closed her mouth again. "Wait. Show me that last photograph again, please."

Seulgi slid her finger on the screen to show Wendy the photograph of Joon-gook.

Irene frowned. "I think I've seen him a few times though I'm not sure where. At the bar or maybe at the club?"

"Your club The Beach?"

Irene nodded.

"But you're sure you don't know him?" Byul asked.

"I don't, Inspector. You can even strap me to a lie detector. I'm not lying. He's just one of the frequent customers, I guess, that's why his face is familiar."

Living In The Past (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now