Mulder's scare

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Season 9,Takes place episode:The Truth part 2/while on the run at a motel

Nightmare is based on extinction 1 & extinction 2

Mulders POV

"Oh Mulder wakey wakey fox"A familiar voice alarms me to open my eyes,And what I see in results is a punishment I will never get used to.

"Ahh our patient has finally awakened"Above me is the most vile human being to ever live,The smoking man,his snaky voice bursting my hope of the truth.

I try to move,To run from this dreadful man and back to my Scully but I'm unable to move,I try to shake myself from this paralysis state but as my eyes dart for the answer as to why my muscles don't move,The reason becomes clear as I find myself handcuffed to the table once more.Panic overcomes my mind as I focus on nothing but how terrifying it was the first time.

I was so lucky the last time because Scully was there.Wait Scully...

In hope of her saving me once more I begin to call for her.


I shout her name over and over.

"She can't hear you fox,She's dead"that snake of a man says.

No she can't be.

"I don't believe you!!"I shout in defiance,As I continue to try and squirm out the handcuffs restraining me.

"I'll prove it to you."He says coldly.

He takes out a photo of a car crash situation.

"That could be anyone"

"Ok then"He says with a smirk taking out another picture 

This picture has a red haired figured covered in blood,And now I see that it in fact is Scully.

I start to cry and scream in sadness until i feel a presence and suddenly everything blurs and is black...


I feel a figure on my body and Crawl away nearly falling on the floor.

"Mulder it's ok it's me"A voice says.

"No,no,no you killed her you son of a bitch!!"I cry despite my fear 

"Oh Mulder"The voice says in concern.

I reconise that voice.


"Yes it's me Mulder it's ok I'm here"

I start to cry as she cradles me,stroking my hair and speaking words of comfort.

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