Small man = small pp

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~After Meliodas and Elizabeth have a big hot sexy time~

But something was amiss... Elizabeth had a strange face. "Ayo why yo pp so small man!" Elizabeth yelled at the small tiny lil man.

Meliodas's whole world shattered in that very instant. Small pp? Him? But.. he big pp... Right?

Meliodas ran out of the room without even putting his clothes back on, opting to confide in 1 of his only friends, Chris P Bacon.  As he was making his way downtown, he crashed into Ban.

Meliodas lets out a manly shriek before trying to cover his pp. Which was very easy... as it was little. Ban started howling with laughter when he noticed how small Meliodas was.

His tears were streaming down his face as he continued his arduous trek to Chris P Bacon.

As he slammed the kitchen door open, he saw Chris waterboarding a customer 😱😱😱

"CHRIS WTF ARE U DOING" Meliodas ran over to the pig, but it was too late, the customer had drowned. "He wouldn't gimme his scraps. Fuckn cheapskate bitch ass hoe ass cunt." OMG WE'RE GON GET A FELONY OR SUM SHIT.

~30 minutes later~

A swat team burst through the walls and ceilings, detaining the pig. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Chris squealed and tried kicking one of the agents. His hoof landed right in the agent's nut sack. A pop was heard... 

The pig was now getting arrested for the crimes of waterboarding a customer, and popping a police officer's nuts.

It was over, Meliodas couldn't even bail him out as his crimes were too severe.

Meliodas returned to the bar, dejected, and still naked.

Elizabeth leaves Meliodas cuz he has a small ppWhere stories live. Discover now