Daryl Dixon

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The next morning, Rick wakes up and sees that Lori and Carl are not in the tent. He walks out and sees that everything is fine. 

Rick: Morning. 

Man: Morning. 

Rick: Hey. 

Woman: Hi. 

Carol: Morning. 

Rick: Morning. 

Carol: They're still a little damp. The sun'll have 'em dry in no time. 

Rick: You washed my clothes? 

Carol: Well, best we could. Scrubbing on a washboard ain't half as good as my old maytag back home. 

Rick: That's very kind. Thank you. 

Rick approaches Glenn who is visibly upset that Dale has torn apart some of the spare parts on the car that he brought in. 

Glenn: Look at 'em. Vultures. Yeah, go on, strip it clean. 

Dale: Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn. 

Glenn: Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days. 

Rick: Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday. 

Rick finally finds Lori. 

Lori: Morning, officer. 

Rick: Hey. 

Lori: You sleep okay? 

Rick: Better than in a long time. 

Lori: Well, I didn't want to wake you. I figured you could use it. God. What? 

Rick: I've been thinking about the man we left behind. 

Lori: You're not serious. 

Shane and y/n drive back to the camp with water.

Shane: Water's here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use. 

Lori: Are you asking me or telling me? 

Rick: Asking. 

Lori: Well, I think it's crazy. I think it is just the stupidest way to break your son-

Suddenly, the group hears screaming. 

Carl: Mom! 

Lori: Carl? 

Everyone starts to race down to the screaming. 

Man: It's over there! 

Carl: Dad! 

Lori: Baby! 

Girl: Mama! Mommy! 

Glenn: Rick! 

Lori: Carl! 

Rick grabs a pole and runs down to the site. 

Man: Over here, boy! Come on, come on! 

Lori: Carl! Baby! 

Carl: Mom! 

Carl escapes the walker.

Rick: You're okay? 

Lori: I've got him. I've got him. Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you? 

Carl: No, I'm okay. The group comes upon a Walker that is busy eating the carcass of a deer. Andrea and Amy come up and notice how disgusting it is. When the Walker sees them, it starts to turn on them. Rick, Shane, Glenn, Jim, y/n and Morales start to beat on it with their objects. Dale finishes it off by chopping its head off with an axe. Dale is shocked. 

Never walk solo (Walking dead male reader insert) part oneWhere stories live. Discover now