Chapter 2

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Catlynn's POV

"Well, that was an eventful day. We went to the store for groceries and came back with a child!" I said to my wife. Red sat on the bed, looking exhausted with her head in her hands.

"Baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just...tired." Red said. She sighed and said, "Kit, are you sure we can handle a third kid? Especially since Levi was born...not even a month ago? I mean, we have a newborn and a toddler already."

"I'm absolutely positive we can handle it." I said. "You've been a stay at home mom for three years now, and I have two jobs."

"I hope you're just feels like too much at the moment, y'know? We're still young, we're not even thirty yet." Red said, looking up at me. "I mean, I get that this means something to you, but..."

"Red, she's technically my half-sister. I can't let her live the same life I lived. Especially since my dad's new stepmother...seems like as much of a horrible person as my dad is. I'm not even sure how he even got married and has a child now, I thought he was in jail for life. At least, that's the last thing I was told about him." I said.

Red sighed. "You're right. Even though I feel tired, stressed, and super overwhelmed now, I'd feel worse about myself if we just left Oliveira to suffer with your dad. Also, have you broken the news to your mom yet?"

"No, I was waiting until we made the decision. You know, I was waiting until we officially decided to adopt her." I said.

"And that decision is..." Red questioned. I looked to my wife and we smiled at each other.




"Sunshine! I wasn't expecting you to call! How are you? How's Red! How's Leni and Levi?" Elle excitedly chirped on the other line.

"Woah, Mom, slow your roll. Anyway, I have news. I know this may be a stupid question to ask cause the answer is obvious, but do you remember my biological father? Thomas?" I asked

"Of course I do, Sunshine, is everything okay? Is he...back?" Elle asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

"No, it's nothing like that. This may sound a little weird, but my dad remarried another woman...and had a kid. And that kid...I met her in the grocery store yesterday, screamed at my dad for like an hour...and I'm fostering her." I said.

Elle started screaming on the other line.

"Sunshine! That's amazing! Good on you for stepping up and doing the right thing! What's their name? How old are they?"

"Her name is Oliveira, and...I don't know how old she is. I never asked. She's so adorable, Mom...she almost looks" I said.

"Oh my God..."

"I can't wait for you to meet her." I said. I walked over to our guest bedroom where Oliveira was sleeping soundly, her blonde hair splayed out on the pillow.

"She's perfect."

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