Chapter 6

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Catlynn's POV

I both love and hate having days off of work. One one hand- I obviously can catch a break. I can sleep, spend time with my wife, all the good things. But on the other hand, something's bound to be hectic.

Like today. It seemed like my phone was ringing 24/7, and especially with Oliveira in my life, social workers were calling, my mom, everyone was calling me to check up on me. And truth be told, I was a little sick of it.

"Finally. I have a break from this stupid phone." I said to myself once I hung up with a telemarketer, ending the call with "Don't call again." Part of me seriously wanted to turn my ringer off or put my phone on Do Not Disturb, but my gut told me that might be a bad idea.

And my gut was right. Five seconds later my phone noisily rang, the cheery ringtone snapping me out of my trance.

"Ugh, what now?" I said, preparing to yell at a telemarketer. To my surprise, my wife was the one calling.

"Red? What's going on?" I asked, sitting up straighter. Red sighed on the other line and said "I just got a call from Oliveira's school."

"And...?" I asked, not sure if this was good news or not. Red sighed and said, "Let's just say your dad is a freaking monster."

All of my anger bubbled up inside me and I felt like I was going to explode.

"Kit? Are you good?" Red asked.

"WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO NOW?" I screamed, wanting to throw something across the room and not even care if something broke in the process.

"Woah! Kit! Calm down!"

"Calm down? You tell me something happened with Thomas and you expect me to 'calm down?' What happened? Is Ollie okay?" I ranted.

Red sighed and said, "Kit...she's in a coma and I'm at the hospital and you need to drop off Eleanor and Levi somewhere."

"Woah...did you say coma?" I said.

All the terrible memories from eighth grade came flooding back to me. Jess. Ryan. The crash. The two crashes.

The worst is over, Sunshine. The worst is over, Sunshine. The worst is over, Sunshine...

"STOP!" I yelled.

"Kit? What's wrong?" Red asked, concerned.

"'s just...hearing the word 'coma' sorta set me off...but it's fine though!" I said.

"Are you sure you're okay? I'm gonna go to the hospital and see Oliveira, do you want to come once you drop Levi and Leni off?" Red asked.

"Sure, yeah, of course." I said, not being sarcastic in the slightest. I hung up and sighed, wondering what I was to do with my other two kids.

I sighed and walked to the living room where Eleanor and Levi were. I picked up Levi, who was way too young to understand, and knelt down next to my three year old.

"Hey Leni, your sister got hurt and Mommy and I are gonna make sure she's okay. And you're gonna stay with...Auntie Josie, okay?" I said.

Upon hearing Josie's name, Eleanor lit up.

"JOSIEJOSIEJOSIEJOSIE!" Eleanor screeched. I giggled at my sweet, precious daughter and then checked my text messages.

Josie: Hey, forgot to tell you, but I have good news! Harper and I getting an adoption set up and CPS is coming to our house today to check it out! Hope to see you soon, I know my mom wants to see you and see how you're doing with the kids! Love you!

Oh God.

I can't have Eleanor and Levi over at Josie's place when CPS is checking it out...but Eleanor was so excited to go there...

Shoot. Shoot, shoot, shoot.

I picked up my phone and sighed, dialing Josie's number and praying she answered.

"Hey Josie? Yeah, little problem..."

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