Rescue My Ah Lan

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    Yunlan woke up that his being carried in the airplane. "What is the meaning of this?!" As he struggled  from the hold of his grandmother's  men.

   "Don't  worry grandson! Soon will be out  of this place!" Said Mrs. Qi.  "But I don't  want too!!!" He suddenly  kick one of the men  and run down the stairways. "LAN LAN COME BACK!!!" Shout his grandmother.

   Her men run after him when a motorcycle  block him. "AH LAN! It's  me! Wei!!!" Yunlan hurriedly  seated at the back seat and they speed away. The men of his grandmother get on the cars and run after them with full speed.

    Yunlan lean to Shen Wei's  back, "Xiao Wei! You came back for me!" Shen Wei  smirk. "Hold on tight!" As he kiss his hand. "Where gonna fly!" Yunlan smile and hold to Shen Wei  tightly. "I'm flying where ever you go my love!" Shen Wei grabbed  his hands tightly as their motorcycle  fly in the air and landed at the far end so they won't get caught by their enemy.

   Meanwhile  many policemen run around the airplane as they  capture Mrs. Qi  and put her in police car. Mr. Shen quickly take the unconcious  Xin ci into his car and speed away to find his son and Yunlan.

   Bai Qi,  Hei Qi,  Yezun and Da quing  also help in finding the lovely pairs. While Yunly and Richard accompany her mother  to the police station. "I'm not a criminal here! Why are you handcuffing  me!" The police smirk, "Because you not only kidnapped  your grandson but as well his father! Mam!"

   Meanwhile  Shen Wei  and Yunlan hide in one of the abandone buildings in the metro. The men of Mrs. Qi  pass them by and didn't  notice them. "We should be safe here for awhile." Yunlan didn't let go of his waist. Shen Wei  smirk,  "Did you like my waist so much you never want to let go of it?"

   Yunlan pout to him cutely, "I  like  your waist and your back it feel so warm!" He gleefully  said. As he lean more to it. Shen Wei  turned around and kissed  Yunlan passionately.  Making Yunlan turned  red.

    On the other hand Bai Qi  and Hei Qi  are getting annoyed by their back seat passengers. Da quing  and Yezun pointing at every direction where Shen Wei  and Yunlan possibly be. And now arguing like a kids. "I know where my gege is going and he will be here!!!" Da quing  shake his head, "If Yunlan escape he will be hiding over there!"

    Yezun chuckled,  "How can Yunlan decide if his dizzy! My gege will surely hide there! It's  brother's instinct because we're  twins!" Da quing  disagree.  Until both of them started a fight and trying to claw one another. Hei Qi  tried to stop the two. Making Bai Qi  stop the car. "Would you two stop!!!" He shout. "HE STARTED IT!!!" Both Da quing  and Yezun pointing at one another.

   After a minute Yezun is seated at Bai Qi's side making himself smirk as he lean to his shoulder. "This is almost like a date!!!" He excitingly  said forgetting  Da quing  and Hei Qi  at the back who sweat.

    Xin ci on the other hand woke up in the arms of Weiyez.  And now panicking where his son is. "Don't  worry  will find them!" While leaning more to him. Xin ci went red as he knows there's  other people. And struggle to get out of Weiyez 's arms. But is futile because  he clutches him tightly. " feels like the old time were doing this! Isn't  it romantic?" Xin ci sweat.

   "Would you mind?! We have to find our sons yet!" Mr. Shen's  men tried not to laugh hearing it. Weiyez  cough, "Hey! All of you! Stop ear's dropping  on us!" His men apologize. "I think  we need to check that abandoned  building over there.

   Shen Wei  and Yunlan on the other hand was caught by Mrs. Qi's men and now fighting them. Mr. Shen and Xin ci found them. "STOP!!! ALL OF YOU!!! THE FIGHT IS OVER! YOUR MISTRESS IS BEEN TAKEN AWAY AND NOW AT THE POLICE STATION!!!" The men of Mrs. Qi's stop they're  doing while Yunlan run into his father's  arms. "Yunlan! My son everything  is alright! She will never bother us again!" Said Xin ci.

   Shen Wei  tried to confirm, "Dad! Did the police caught her?!" Mr. Shen nod. "Yes! So you two are safe to come home!"

   At the police station Mrs. Qi's lawyers  trying to get her out. But the judge sentence her without parole because  it's  the second time she  attempted  to kidnap his grandson as well his father. But because she's  a senior she will be detained  in her house and cannot come out while her money and properties  will be frozen for awhile.

   Yunly pity her but cannot do anything.  "Yunly! Get my grandson back! Don't  let this fags take him away!" She shout. "Stop doing this Ma! Times have  change! Lan lan is happy with Shen Wei! Let them be!" Mrs. Qi  curse but cannot do anything. Because  she cannot use her money.

    Meanwhile  Bai  Qi  was called by his mother. That everything  is fine and Lan lan is been taken back to Shen's mansion.  He was about to drive to Yezun's  place. But Yezun stop him, "Can we eat at a nearby restaurant? Just the two of us?  I'm starving!" While batting his eyes on him. Bai Qi is having a delima if he will take Yezun's invitation. "Gege! Don't  tell me you two....."

    Bai Qi  cut his didi's  words. "Do you have your wallet there?" He ask. Hei Qi  nod, "Then get out you two because me and Yezun got a date!" Hei Qi  and Da quing  can't  believe  what they're  hearing as they got out of the car. "See you boys!" Shout Yezun. As the car speed away.

   "I can't  believe  my gege hitch by a Shen?! And it's  that playboy Yezun!" Hei Qi  frown as he  was about to call his driver. But Da quing  stop him as he hailed a cab. "Hop in! We must get back home! I want to see my friend!" Da quing  pulled him inside the cab. Hei Qi just frown and roll his eyes. As the cab speed fast toward Shen's  mansion.

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