The Wedding

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Dong Hua sent Si Ming to go and greet Fengjiu. Not only was he sure she would be happy to see him, but Si Ming could also report anything they spoke about. He had never felt nervous in this way before. He was sure if he was a normal man, he would be more confident, knowing any woman would want him. But he had one shot at this, she was his only equal. He could not take a step out of line.

Si Ming beamed when he saw her, dressed in jade, her eyes alight with surprise.
"It is good to see you again." She smiled, making her way to Si Ming.
"The heavens are always brighter when you are here." He professed, taking in her beauty. They walked together for a long while.
"I lost my temper the last time I was here. I am surprised Dong Hua Dijun did not punish me." She chuckled, thinking of how disobedient she had been. He let out a loud laugh, shaking his head.
"No, I don't think he could ever punish you." He told her and she sighed.
"Yes, his constant rejection was punishment enough." She lamented and he stopped in his tracks.
"I honestly believe he would not reject you if he had the choice." He told her and she sighed, nodding.
"Let's not speak of such sad things. This is such a joyful time." She beamed, smiling up at him.
"Yes of course."

They discussed the wedding and the games, who would win and who would be bitter.
"I have brought many delicacies from Qing Qiu. We are known to have some of the best fruit in all the realms!" She bragged and Si Ming was glad to see her back to her youthful self.
"The realms rejoice, all because of you." He praised her and watched as she blushed a deep shade of scarlett.
"That is not true." She insisted and he shook his head.
"I will hear no protestation. You deserve praise, even if it is just from me." He whispered to her as she lightly hit his arm, begging him to stop.
"Did Dong Hua Dijun keep his promise?" She asked and Si Ming nodded.
"I can assure you he will never break a promise he makes, especially to you." She let out a deep breath.
"That is a relief. I would be so mortified if Gugu knew what I did." She told him.
"And what was that?" Qian Qian asked from behind them. Si Ming felt the blood drain from his face and his eyebrows raise in shock as the little princess sputtered a badly formed excuse.
"Let's have some tea, little Jiu." Qian Qian insisted and Fengjiu looked back at Si Ming with worry in her eyes as she left.

Si Ming went immediately to the palace.
"Bai Qian knows." He told Dong Hua who nodded, taking a sip of his tea.
"Perhaps she will learn not to speak so openly in public." He thought aloud.
"I fear she will be scolded." He sighed, pacing back and forth.
"She will be fine. Her Gugu is just frustrated with her." He soothed Si Ming.
"Do you not care about her being scolded?" He asked and Dong Hua chuckled.
"She has never minded it so much. It gives her an excuse to pout, which I remember her being very talented at." He grinned, thinking back to the times she had pouted at him to win his affections.

Qian Qian sat down with little Jiu and sighed.
"How could you do this, little Jiu?" She asked and Fengjiu composed herself.
"Who told you?" She asked and Qian Qian refused to give her the information.
"I knew it was right, I felt it deep in my soul." She insisted and Qian Qian could see no lie.
"You don't regret it?" She asked her straight.
"No." She answered boldly.

Fengjiu stood her ground with Gugu. She knew she could not show her weakness.
"Why?" Qian Qian asked simply.
"The day Ye Hua died, the world fell out of balance. I had never felt so unsettled before. I knew what Dong Hua Dijun had done in the past to save the world. I wanted to see if I could play my small role in restoring order." She recounted her reasons.
"Also, you were so sad Gugu. I had never seen you that way before. I couldn't stand to see you in such a depression when I knew I could do something about it." She told her and Qian Qian sent her a small smile.
"Why do you think your heart is such a small price?" She asked her, in disbelief of little Jiu's conviction.
"It belongs to a man who cannot own it, it was of no use to me anymore." She explained and Qian Qian called her over, taking her into her arms.
"How did you come up with this plan, all on your own?" She sighed, wondering how the secret had weighed on her for so long.
"I did not make the decision lightly. I thought about it for a long time. If my heart is of no use to me and it can bring back peace and balance, as well as your happiness, I would be selfish to keep it." She told her and Qian Qian brushed her fingers over little Jiu's cheek.
"You are so good. Too good to me." She insisted and Fengjiu shook her head.
"That could never be so. I just want to see you happy." She told her and Qian Qian looked at her softly.
"And what about you?" She asked.
"I will live my life as a Queen, looking after my people. Nothing would bring me more joy." She assured her and Qian Qian was shocked to see no lie in her eyes.
"Ye Hua wants to repay th-"
"There is no debt. I don't want to be repaid. I just want a peaceful life." She interrupted her. Qian Qian nodded, smoothing down little Jiu's hair.
"If that is what you want."

Three Lives, Three Worlds: A Fated Love (Dong Hua/Bai Fengjiu)Where stories live. Discover now