The Break Up Of The Century

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Hey readers! This is my first chapter if my first book, so don't be hard on me! Hope ya like!

And remember- I dont own One Direction, although I wish I did! Enjooooooy!!!!!!!


Abby's POV

"Okay, you HAVE to be done now!" I asked into the bathroom

"Weeeeeell..... maybe not yet...." Sarah responded. I looked into the bathroom to see her makeup everywhere and only one eye lined.

"Oh my god... your not even half way done?!" *initiate face palming now*

"Well just give me a few minutes! I'm sorry if I'm high maintenance!" I swear, that girl could spend hours doing her makeup if she wanted to. At least shes good at it. I wandered down stairs again and grabbed my laptop. Time to tweet!

"Me and @sarahbeth5803 are about to go out on the town! #We'llBeGood" I tweeted.

*New Tweet From Niall Horan* Oh cool! I wonder what the boys are up to...

@NiallOfficial: "Going #incognito. Bet ya cant find us!"

..... well that's.... random. I heard a tapping behind me. I turned to find our turttle, named Ferret, tapping on the wall of his aquarium.  

Well someones hungry!

"Don't get your shell in a twist, I'm coming!" I got out the turtle food and put it in Ferret's special 

bowl that was shaped like a dinner plate. As he munched away, I gently brushed the bark chips  

off of his shell (A/N do you even put bark chips in turtle cages? I don't know, I've never had a turtle!).

Oh my god, Is Sarah done NOW? Okay, here she comes.

Oh no.... she is not going to wear THAT is she? She was wearing a pencil skirt with a tight fitted shirt. Even if it did look good, it was the middle of winter, and we were in London. That, and 19 year olds breaking up with their boyfriends don't wear pencil skirts. I, being more practical, was wearing my usual striped shirt with TOMS and skinny jeans. Louis Tomlinson is my fashion guru.

"Okay, Sarah. Go change." I told her.

"No!" she protested.

"You mean, "No!" Jimmy protested?" I recalled our favorite video diary. Both of our eyes got wide as a smile came over my face.

"KEVIN!!!!" we both screamed. I should probably give you a background into why we say the things we do. While I'm at it, I'll also tell you why two 19 year old girls are on their own in London.

Okay, me and Sarah are HUGE fans of one direction. We have all their CD's, our rooms are both covered in posters, and we know all the words to their songs. And yes, I'm sorry, we picked favorites. Sarah is head over heels in LOVE with Harry, and I quite fancy Louis (I call him my Tommo). Also, we have a video diary we do weekly called Era of the Zebra. (That's real :) look it up on youtube! Its called Zebra Era on there)

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