Our Secret Weapons

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I think I'm getting pretty good at naming these chapters, if I do say so myself!

Have fun reading, readers!



OH SURE. Right when Abby lays down on my lap, (well... Louis's too...) I just HAVE to be attacked by a rabbid fan!

"Oh, great. Not again!" Abby said in exasperation.

"You mean this has happened before?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually." Sarah stepped out from behind Harry. He had tried to protect Sarah behind him, even though the crazy pizza girl was going after him. How sweet! I would definitely put my life, or at least my face, on the line for a girl! I would have for Abby, but I was too busy being attacked and she was too busy pulling the crazy person off of me. "Another time, a girl thought she saw Justin Beiber in our kitchen and hid in the cabinets." Whoa... British people can get crazy! I'm glad I'm Irish...

"At least we have experience extracting fangirls from our flat..." Said Abby, always looking to the bright side! She's officially awesome. Just sayin...

"Lets break into teams. We'll split up and find her! Just scream when she latches onto your face, and we'll come running!" Louis told us.

"Good idea, Tommo!" Abby congratulated him. Oh sure, HE gets the cute nickname she uses all the time... She split us all into three teams

Her, Sarah, and Louis

Me and Harry

Zayn and Liam

I did NOT like this setup. I wanted to be on Abby's team!

"Oh shut up, Niall. Don't be such a complainer!" Abby said. Whoops... said that out loud. I shrugged, and Abby just rolled her eyes. She waved us away from the door and started walking down the hall.

"WAIT." Louis stopped us. "We need weapons..."

"I agree. Follow me, soldiers!" Abby led us into the kitchen and gave us all plastic straws.

"I've read enough fanfictions to know that if you pretend to be a vampire and threaten to suck her dry, she'll run away screaming." Um... what? Us boys can't act for shit., except for Louis. Abby told us that she was studying drama at UL, so Louis and her can do all the acting for the rest of us.

"Wait... why do we have straws?" Harry asked, as puzzled as I was.

"So that you can "Suck her blooooood"! Remember, your vampires?" Sarah said, using quotation marks in the air when she said that. Louis whipped around from where he was looking at the turtle aquarium.

"Yessssssssss I do remember... NOW I SHALL SUCK YOUR BLOOD!" He ran up to Abby and started pretending to bite her neck. She immediately blushed and started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T SUCK MY BLOOD, EVIL DOING BEAST!" I admit... she really could act. She and Louis started laughing, making me even more jealous.

(A/N Don't mind the obvious cheesiness, aight?))

"Okay, guys... we're trying to scare the crazy girl. You're gonna blow our cover!" They stopped, their faces still red from laughing their lungs out.

"Nialls right. We need to get that crazy chick out of here before we can all relax and watch the movie. You two-" She pointed at me and Hazza. "Go ahead and check the office and bathroom. Remember- the longer she's here, the colder the pizza gets. " That got through to me. I turned around.

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