A Voice in the Darkness

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"3." Almost there.

"2." One more second.

"1." Oh my god.


Harry threw his hands in the air. He was finally 16. 

"How do you feel Harry?" Harry's sister, Gemma, asked, poking him in the side.

Swatting her hand away,Harry replied, "Still feel the same, but I can't wait to talk to my soulmate." That was another thing that came with being 16. Once you turned 16, you could talk to your soulmate telepathically. He yawned, and his mother sent him to bed, but Harry wasn't going to much sleeping that night.

H: Hello? 

Harry waited in the dark, not really expecting an answer since it was almost 12:30 AM.

L: Well hello there

Harry jumped. The voice spoke with a thick accent, and as if Harry's brain knew that this voice was his, it immediately filled him with serotonin.

H: What's your name

L: Louis. What's yours?

H: Harry

L: Well isn't that just the cutest name?

Harry blushed. He was falling for a voice, and couldn't be happier about it.

L: You still there?

H: Yeah

L: Ok

L: What's your favourite color Harry?

H: Blue, like the ocean. You?

L: Green, like emeralds

Harry smiled. His soulmate's favourite color was the color of Harry's eyes. And on the other side of the city, Louis' face mirrored Harry's, as Harry had just described the color of his eyes.

L: I have to sleep now. Sorry

H: It's fine. Goodnight Lou

Louis smiled at the nickname and decided he should tack one onto his goodnight.

L: Goodnight Haz 

That was the first conversation they ever had. Short, but sweet. They were very nice with each other, but soon it would become much more interesting.

~  ~ ~ ~

Harry tapped his pencil on the math worksheet he was supposed to be working on.


Harry's head shot up.

H: What the fuck man

L: I was bored

H: Don't you have school

L: Nope. I'm sick

H: Well good for you, but I still have school, so respectfully, hush

L: You can't see me, but just know I'm pouting

Harry rolled his eyes. It'd been a couple months since his 16th birthday and he soon learned how dramatic Louis was.

L: I can hear you rolling your eyes over there

H: No you can't

L: Yes I can

H: Can't

L: Can

"MR.STYLES!" The teacher yelled at Harry, and he looked up. "Would you care to tell me how far you are on your worksheet?"

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