A Voice in the Darkness (but we're doing it the tommo way)

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Leaning back into his pillow, Louis winced as his phone fell onto his face. The time 12:32 flashed on the screen. He put the phone on his cabinet and closed his eyes, trying to forget the excitement of the day.

H: Hello?

Louis' head whacked his headboard as he sat up as if he was electrocuted. It was his soulmate. Holy shit. After giving himself a 'be cool' talk, Louis replied.

L: Well hello there

He waited anxiously for the voice to say something back. Picking up his phone again, Louis started scrolling through Instagram, foot tapping nervously on the floor.

H: What's your name

L: Louis. What's yours?

H: Harry

Louis almost made an 'aw' sound out loud, before he realized his family was sleeping. He couldn't keep himself from replying with his thoughts however.

L: Well isn't that just the cutest name?

There was no response for 45 seconds, and Louis worried he scared his soulmate away.

L: You still there?

He held his breath waiting for a response.

H: Yeah

L: Ok

Louis thought about those lame ice breakers teachers used, and decided to ask Harry one of them to keep the conversation going.

L: What's your favourite color Harry?

H: Blue, like the ocean. You?

Louis' breath caught at the response. His hand unconsciously went to his eyes, before he realized he had to reply.

And although he would never admit this to another living soul, Louis William Tomlinson did a little squeal when he heard that his soulmate's favourite color was the same as his eyes.

L: Green, like emeralds

There was a beat where both sat on their beds, trying to figure out how they were already falling for a voice.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! WHEN I COME TO YOUR ROOM, YOU BETTER BE ALSEEP," his mom's voice jerked him out of his fonding session. She was a very understanding person, but he had school the next day.

L: I have to sleep now. Sorry

H: It's fine. Goodnight Lou

Lou. Butterflies erupted in Louis' stomach. He couldn't form words for a second. Louis had only known Harry for 10 minutes, but he was going to be the one person Louis couldn't imagine life without. Even though no one could see him, a small shy smile creeped onto Louis' face as he replied.

L: Goodnight Haz 

~ ~ ~ ~

Louis sipped some soup before laying his head back on his pillow. It was Liam's fault he was sick. He made Louis a bet that he couldn't eat the year old cheese, and Louis needed the 5 pounds. Staring at his blank ceiling for the 15th time, Louis decided talk to Harry.


H: What the fuck man

Louis' face contorted into a mini frown at the response.

L: I was bored

H: Don't you have school

L: Nope. I'm sick

A Voice in the DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now