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You stare at the little boy who read a book. You are in his bed , sitting and staring at him with your big curious e/c eyes. He cough and stare at you

" So you are a human baby huh! This is my first time seeing a human baby, this is kinda good " He than came over to you and pick you up.

" So let's see, how will I experiment on you " He said while looking intensely at you, you stare at him and giggle, you graze his lips with your little fingers

' cute ' he thought and smile

He doesn't do anything to you as he said, well he tried to do it but looking at your sleeping form and thought about your cat, he just can't there was something that built inside him, that he had never known. He stare at your little fragile form which was in the bed and sigh.

" I will not do anything to you for now, but that doesn't mean you will be safe " He said this while patting your head.

The next day you woke up and cry, which made him woke up from his sleep too. He stare at you and scratch his head, and called a maid, the maid doesn't know what to do too. He already read about human baby but to take care of you he doesn't know if he can do it.The little boy pick you up and cradle you, he hold your head and body just like the book said, after sometimes you stop crying and stare at him, you yawn and stretch out your little hands and suck your thump. He than nod his head and made a "oh" sound, the little boy suddenly knows that a human baby suck on their hands when they are hungry.

" Get a warm milk here with a feeding bottle" He said to the maid the maid bow and run out from the room. She can easily get the milk but a feeding bottle must be bought from the market. The servant their hurriedly went to the market and bought a baby feeding bottle. It takes only just 15 minutes for the maid to give it to their young lord. The little boy feed you the milk , after that he put you down on the bed and staring intensely at you, you too stare at him while drinking your milk

" I'm just not in the mood to do anything to you so " Cough " So, I won't do it for now " He this and than left.

Than at the evening he came back to his room, the maid he assign for you was taking care of all your needs, as she read the book that the boy gave her.

She bow and greet the little boy, he dismiss the maid and sit on a chair beside his bed and took out a note book and wrote something. You share at hum with your curious eyes

'Did he paln on killing me or torture me' you thought than je look at you his face seems kind of a bit dull and blank, you wave around you hand and stretching them out , you than clench it and than spread again you do the same thing over and over again. He tilt his head to the right side and look at you with confusion.

" Umm what do you mean by that " He said with uninteresting tone , you also tilt his head to the just just like him, he than tilt it on the other side and than you do the same. You than clap your hands which he than follow and you giggle he was quiet shock and smile a little.

He gets up from his seat and kneel beside you than imitate you, you laugh so much and clab your hands. He smile brightly, which he didn't even know that. For some reason it made something warm in his heart something he never experience before.The servant who came in to tell him it was dinner time was so shock to see their young Lord smile and the look in his eyes it was not dull or blank, it somehow jas warm colour now. They look at each other each have the same thought

' what happen to their young lord 'he smile sweetly at you who tried to said something, he than pick you up and kiss tiu on your cheeks, you thought that they must really like to kiss on the cheek or face, but when he look at the servant his sweet smile and warm eyes we're all gone its suddenly vanish, the servant gulp. Their young lord has return they thought inwardly. You also kinda scared when his face suddenly change. He walks toward the dinning table while holding you.

When he walk inside the dinning Hall it was all empty, a big round table was place in the middle , the table was filled with food, your mouth water at the sight. He than walks toward the table and place you on his lap. He than put a feeding bottle in your mouth

' you look at all the food and thought of eating with a feeding bottle in your mouth' he watch you all the time not eating even once you kinda feel uncomfortable and avoid his gaze.

" Is it tasty, how did you like milk, I never like milk, they don't have taste at all" He said this and chuckle than he touch his mouth

' did I just laugh ' he than shockingly look at you, you also gaze him with your big
e/c eyes not understanding his act. He cough lightly and pat your head

' I don't know what happen to me but seeing this makes me feels ticklish and butterfly in my stomach, it's warm and cozy too, I really like this feelings ' You don't know why he didn't touch his food at all after you drink up he peck you on the cheek

" I will raise you up and " He look at the necklace in your neck than he hold it you thought that he tried to take it away from you .So you clutch on to your necklace with teary eyes and whimper

" Im just going to read it ok "he said with a smile which made the servant around them shiver, he than lightly hold it and read the word " Y/n was written in the front while, in the back a year, date and month was written.

" So Y/n is your name huh, than I'll call you Y/n,another name would be better but when I call you you might not understand me so, I will call you with this name " He chuckle and kiss you on your forehead he really like kissing your face maybe because it's smooth and soft.

He didn't touch his food and went to his room with you, according to his book a baby human needs their parents warmth for the to sleep peacefully and made a greater bond with their parent, and they must exercise alot too.

He put you down on his bed , and you lazily lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling.Thinking about your aunt and uncle

' wait where is uncle and aunt, how could I forget it, this little human baby brain ' you thought internally

Just as much as you thought them your aunt and uncle are also looking for you.And two other boys who lost you are becoming unstable with their mind, even killing their servant. They return to their past self but much more terrifying and bloodthirsty.


Publish 19 ,oct , 2021

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