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When my dad arrives at the emergency room, the doctors got Wren stable and hooked him on fluids. Since then Yana and Kylie have been blowing up the group chat arguing. Apparently Kylie left Yana at Homecoming. They're still going back and forth whilst they are both privately messaging me outside of the group chat to argue about who is right. I mean, Yana literally was having an asthma attack.

God they are so fucking dramatic over nothing. The bitch is having an asthma attack and Kylie makes it about herself and manages to squeeze some tears out in the process. She's so incredibly spoiled to the point where she takes someone dying as a personal attack.

The doctor comes out and allows my dad and I to come back and see my brother. When we reach his room, Wren is sleeping with a tube attached to his nose thats releasing air into his airway, but it ultimately resulting in nothing since his mouth is hanging completely open allowing the air the escape. My dad takes the seat closest to my brother and places his hand on his briefly before calling someone and stepping out of the room.

I take this opportunity to go stand over Wren in his bed and get three inches from his face before whispering, "I know you're a fucking faker." A small smirk grows on his face before we both share a few giggles.

"Shut up," He continues to laugh while keeping his eyes closed the entire time, "I knew I wasn't getting seen if I didn't flop over like a fucking rag doll or some shit like that." His eyes now open and he sits up in his bed still smiling.

"Scared me a little bit," I said honestly and took the seat beside his bed then crossing my legs.

"Cried like a lil bitch." He snorts and we both laugh.

Dad walks in and Wren throws his entire body back and pretend to be sleeping. Funny enough for me that some random chord wraps itself around his neck as he does so and chokes him. The doctor soon follows with a clipboard, looking like there's nothing too concerning on his sheet of paper attached to the clipboard.

"Well, it just seems as if your son just got too high," The doctor looks at my dad and we all exchange looks before Wren and I let out a little snicker, "lay off the bud kid." The doctor finishes up with discussing information with my dad before notifying us that we can leave after he gets his vitals taken. My dad oddly didn't say much about Wren getting too high, only that he should be more aware of where he's getting his pac from.


The past two days has been an absolute bore, nothing was good enough to report, except for the fact that I was on my weekly car ride to nowhere with myself where u strictly dickly listen to my playlist filled only of Lana Del Rey, Adele, No Doubt, and Paramore with a dash of The Pretty Reckless. Kylie texted me in the middle of my trip to hang out with our friend Taylor, who happens to be Harry's friend from "the sandbox" as they say. I'm intrigued by the idea since I could possibly get into Harry's head through Taylor.

I pick up Kylie and we head over to Taylor's house, which is all of three minutes total to his house. He walks out in a white wife beater tank top, basket ball shorts, and raw dogging his slides. He enters through the back door of my car and we sit in the driveway of his families property. Kylie and him discuss how her ex, also Taylors friend, is spreading shit about her that never happened or whatever. He is all she's been talking about since they broke up. I get it, but imagine being in an entirely new relationship and your person is still hooked on what their ex is saying or doing.

After she's done pestering him all about nothing, I decide to get my questions in. "Did Harry say anything to you on why he did what he did?" Taylor looks at me with sad eyes.

"He surprisingly didn't, I'm actually surprised he even did that because all he talked about was how great you were and he really saw something in y'all, so when that whole Bethany thing happened we were all on his dick about what the hell he was doing, because you know me, I adore you and I wouldn't steer either of you wrong. This was all just very out of the ordinary for him." Taylor replies with what feels like the truth. I'm not sure if this makes me feel better or not.

"I don't intend to indulge into the typical movie girl mind, but why her over me. I mean seriously, what does she have to offer besides pussy?" I don't even care how misogynistic this sounds because she's not even for the girls. She's a man stealer.

"All I know is that he liked her for a few years and she never gave him the time of day until he started fucking with you. That's when I knew something was up, she didn't even really like him like that, she just didn't like the attention was off of her and that's why she got what she wanted from him and then pulled what he did to you on him." Taylor laughed at the end of that before proceeding, "he hasn't really talked to us about that shit though. I think he's a little bit embarrassed because the school whore turned him down."

"So, how did that even happen?" A smile grows on my face and I glance over at Kylie to see if she's listening to this shit and she's not. Her eyes are glazed over looking at the screen on her phone and briefly flicker to her bottle of water, which she takes a sip from and returns it to its spot in my car all the while keeping her eyes on the screen of her phone.

"You ain't here this from me, but Bethany texted Harry a few days ago and told him that she was going to kill herself and then blocked him," Taylor pauses for my reaction and I didn't disappoint him. The loudest "Ha!" escaped my lips, my eyes the widest they've ever been, and my hand covering the gaping hole in my fave caused by my jaw hitting the floor.

"Joey, I can't make this shit up! He went to her house and she wasn't there, so where was she? At her ex's house getting fucked." Taylor finishes the story with a smirk playing on his thin, chapped lips and a gentle nod of his head.

I am stunned, completely stunned.

"Do y'all have a group for Halloweekend?" Kylie chimes in like she hasn't heard the craziest shit.

"Yeah everyone's all coupled up and my girl isn't coming. Harry got his own place with Martin though, so I'm sure they'll let you crash there." Taylor informs Kylie.

"Well we both don't have a group and we planned on Yana tagging along." I mention.

"Y'all can stay in my house, its got like seven rooms and its just the team with their girls and y'all three can share a room." Taylor offers to which we glance at each other before making a nonverbal agreement.

Every senior goes to Halloweekend. It's a whole weekend downtown where all these D list celebrities come to preform and everyone in the party sector throws the most insane parties and everyone is getting laid. I don't plan on being the only person not getting fucked and Harry is going with nobody so why wouldn't I just use him for what he is...a dick.

"Put in a good word for me to Harry because I'm not going and being the only person not getting some." I ask Taylor and he nods.

"Imma text him for you, I doubt he's gonna say no since he talks about you nonstop." Taylor begins to draft up a message to Harry. I'm honestly surprised this motherfucker talks about me nonstop, after all he did. I can't help but get a little bit excited. I know this is dumb girl shit, but I can't shake him from me.

"What makes you think he's gonna want you?" Kylie says to me and gives me a stupid look, I look at Taylor who looks at me like the bitch is crazy. So I know it isn't just me who heard that shit.

"Damn Ky," Taylor laughs and tussles her blonde curls.

"I'm just saying. He clearly didn't want you before, so why do you think he would want you now?" She says very nonchalantly. What the fuck has crawled up her ass.

I decide to ignore her and turn around in my seat and put my seatbelt on, Taylor decides to go back inside and I take off back to Kylie's house and drop her off. I really do not feel like being around that right now. I could just feel the blood leave my cheeks as soon as she said that.

As I turn into the driveway of my house, my phone chimes with a new text message. Its from Harry.

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