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I'm almost done with classes, so I'll finally be able to update more, sorry queens.


The flight to Florida was slight. Got me a nice window seat, Wren sat in the middle seat as a creepy old guy sat on the end. Clutch as fuck. It was about 70 something degrees today in Daytona, that's where my mom apparently lives. I got a decent hotel for Wren and myself just in case my mom lives in a fucking halfway house for some bullshit like that. Apparently that bitch is at work and we gotta wait til she gets off, so she says.

Wren and I spent the day at the beach, like a cute little vacay. He's not being a dick, which is good for both of us because I was almost sure that I was going to kick his ass. The water was decent, but I just lied out in the sand. Wren just followed my every move with out complaining, maybe all we needed was a little beach trip to mend our fucked relationship.

It's almost time to meet my mom at this little restaurant. I'm ready. Wren is ready. We aren't really speaking out this, but I know he has the same concerns I do. I stand up and adjust my grey sundress before grabbing my keys. My brother stands and heads for the door. I check my phone for a text from Harry. I haven't spoken to him since the day before I left. I don't understand what the actual fuck his problem is, but he better fucking fix it before I get back because I'm not playing with his stupid ass.

When arriving at the restaurant, I get a table for myself, Wren, and my mom. She let us know that she is on the way and should be here shortly. She better be on her way. There's some cool fries on the table that Wren and I have hardly touched, I think he's nervous. He hasn't said much, hasn't spoken unless spoken to. As he should.

The familiar smell of flowers and cedar wood fill my nasal pharynx. My mom. I almost smile until I remember that I hate her for ruining my life. I assume Wren smells her too because he looks around as I do. We both spot her, her brown skin is glowing and a huge smile is shining on her face, she waves. I wave back, Wren just plops back down in his seat. A young boy who looks exactly like her is walking right behind her, looking confused as fuck.

She ushers him to scoot into the booth before giving me a hug. Who the actual fuck is this little ass kid. My mom notices my confusion. She sighs before opening her liar mouth.

"This is your brother-" she begins to introduce the twat before I interrupt her.

"The fuck?" I give Wren a look and he returns it then rubs his temples.

"Your brother, Sam." She says.

"You are fucking insane," Wren snaps.

"Sam? Really? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I cannot believe her. 

"I thought it would be very honorable to name him after your sister," she ushers to all three of us.

"She is my sister and Wren's sister, Sam is not his sister," This bitch is nuts.

"She is his sister too," my batshit crazy mother snaps.

"No the fuck she's not, this fucker is about four and doesn't even know who the fuck she is, when the fuck were you pregnant four years ago?" I'm in such disbelief

My mom looks at me and then at her fondling hands. Wren and I exchange a look before I stand up to leave. She doesn't try to stop me.


Wren and I found our way back to the hotel. This trip has been officially the worst. I should be getting tan and drunk. I don't know how I would get alcohol, but then again, disgusting old perverts would spend their dirty money on a dime like me. 

The keyboard clicks from Wren's phone makes me remember that Harry is probably still waiting on a text from me. My phone unlocks to my face, I'm surprised there hasn't been any texts from him yet. He's supposed to be obsessed with me, so...what the fuck is this? I guess I'll put my pride to the side and text him first, the fuck.

I sent a little "hey" his way and wait for the three little typing bubbles. The AC kicks on aggressively as I sit for about two minutes and then realizing that I'm waiting on a man...girl huh? I slide my ass off the bed and walk to the window.

The dancing trees sway in unison as the wind blows through them. People walking across the boardwalk living their own life, not thinking a damn thing about me. It's so hard to wrap my brain around the fact that people really have their own life that I'm not apart of. It's so sickening. 

I turn to my baby brother who is scrolling through his phone, he looks up at me and gives me a dirty look. Wow, I thought we were having a cute moment, guess not.

"Wanna get some food?" I offer and he nods. 

"There's a place on the boardwalk, serves to minors." He says with a smile, I'm slight taken aback, but nonetheless, I'm intrigued.

"How do you know this baby bro?" I ask as I sling my soft blue purse over my shoulder.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Huh?

"Bitch that doesn't even make sense," He rolls his eyes at my comment and we exit the room.

Once out of the hotel, he leads the way to this restaurant. It's a bumping joint, to say the least, and full. My brother gives some random ass man a handshake that leads to a hug...who in God's fuck is this guy and how does my brother know him? 

"This my sister Joey." Wren gestures to me and I flash my million dollar smile. The man extends his hand for me to shake.

"Hi, who are you and how do you know my brother at your big age?" I ask looking down at his hand and back to his face, he retracts his extended hand.

"Bruh, Jo, chill the fuck out. He's Mikey's dad." Mickey is Wren's little buddy from the sandbox. Sweet kid.

"It's okay kids, how about we get y'all a seat." The man smiles at me and walks us towards the back of the building and up stairs. Our table is on the balcony facing the beach.

I pull my steel chair out from under the wooden table with peeling blue paint and pop a squat. I open the menu immediately and scan the list of items for something decent. My eyes fall on regular old spaghetti with a side of salad. Perfect.

The waiter already arrives with drinks for myself and Wren, which includes two glasses of water and what I am going to assume are two alcoholic drinks.

We tell the waiter what we want to eat and I check my phone. Still nothing from Harry, the fuck. I shoot him another text and ask what his deal is, to which he responds immediately: "I have to talk to you". 

Immediately I feel my cheeks getting hot, and I don't mean my ass cheeks, as the blood rushes to my face. My heart is thumping rapidly as I feel it in my throat. 


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