𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 | 2

52 3 0

Song reccomendations for this book: 

Grenade- Bruno Mars

Softcore- The neighbourhood

Y/n POV:

My socks aren't matching nor is my tie put on properly. I suppose I'll just rock the 'homeless' look. 

Drying my uniform was time consuming but at this point i  accepted my late departure, not like rushing now will make much of a difference. 

It's still pouring like crazy, I glance at my bike, wait talking about bike, I was suppose to go bike riding over the holidays  with Beomgyu.

It never happened though; he's always so dry.

Beomgyu POV: 

Yeonjun's spinning his pen around his fingers, in a trance like state. I'm half awake, often peering at the door to check if that girl had decided to rock up already. Is she really ditching the first day of school?


A hand waves infront of my face.

"Yo, Beomgyu pay attention, the teacher's asking you something."

I shake to my senses, "Sorry ma'am, what did you say?" I mumble.

"Have you seen Y/n by any chance Beomgyu?" the teacher asked.

"She appears to be marked absent."

Ofcourse she asks me.


"I assume you are in contact with her, could you please ask her for an explanation as to why she's not present? Thank you Beomgyu."

I sigh, head on my hand practically slumping on the desk, my thumb hovers over her icon on discord, no, it would be wierd texting her now.

The sound of the rain hitting the tin roofs of the classroom is really going to lull me to sleep right now, I can't help but reminisce about the times we would go running in the rain together, hands interwined, hair soaked, how our parents would scold us for acting so uncivil.

 When we were eachother's, only friend.

Should I text her?

It's not like she would do the same, so why should I reciprocate.

6 weeks without proper communication can really dent a relationship.

Y/n POV:

I park my bike at the front of the school and make a mad dash for room L101, bringing my school bag along with me. You could probably mistake me as a mop right now, my hair is dripping off water, my clothes too, shit I don't even know anyone in this class.

My hand turns the door handle to the classroom entering cautiously in an attempt to not get scolded.

"Sorry I'm late Miss, here, my late pass." I hand over the now damp piece of paper.

She shoots me a dirty look to which I pretend to not see.

I scan the room, all the seats are taken, except one. 

In front of Beomgyu.

He's sitting with Yeonjun, a guy who I checked is also in my biology class this semester.

I slowly make my way to the seat, avoiding eye contact from all the students. 

My bag left a trail of water drops on the carpet, and the sounds of my keychains from my bag resonated across the classroom.

Everyone was suspiciously quiet.

Beomgyu POV:

I look down, seeing her figure gradually come closer. I put on a tired and uninterested act, twiring the wispy ends of my hair, looking anywhere else except her direction. Y/n drops her bag next to her desk; she's sitting by herself.

What a shame.

My eyes land on something small and shiny latched onto her backpack. I squint to try to discern what it could possibly be. Then it hit me, like an abrupt landslide of memories. It was a keychain, a keychain we bought together. Matching ones. 

Y/n POV: 

I can feel Beomgyu's stares from here, making me feel uneasy. I can hear Beomgyu and Yeonjun talking about something behind me as I try to act busy on my laptop. 

"Hey, Y/n,"

I feel a tap on my shoulder.

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