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As Leonard quiets down after his outrage which he let all out on the table which had a large crack down the middle(Wooden Table). He hears a little bit of whispering from what seems like the X-Men kids next door. Ignoring their chatter which he can hear through the wall of his hotel wall he walks over to the shower and takes a quick shower before coming back to plan his weapon plans on his computer. Walking out of the shower with his hair still wet he boots up the computer to work on his plans for his weapon long-range and close-range. As Leonard opens up his the program with the plans on it he receives a call from a number.

As he picks this up he asks

"Hello, who are you?"

"Mr, Leonard I'm Ummm Melvin the man you left your blueprint for?"

"Ahhh Yes Mr, Melvin are you here to ask change the price or do you accept it?"

"Mr, Leonard I would like to change the price to saving my daughter from the hands of Wilison Fisk"

"Hmmmm fine, but you will have to use the finest material you have"

"Yes Yes I agree please save her"

As Leonard takes out his black hoodie out of his case with his matching black camo pants, he walks out of his room. As he begins walking down the hallway he doubles back and knocks on the X-Men's door while saying:

"Hello X-Men this is Leonard and I would like for you to accompany to save a child"

As Leonard hears several sets of footsteps rapidly come over to the door, he smiles as they open Jean opens the door. As she is still slightly in shock about him knowing about their real group(IDK what to call it)

"Hqq, Mz, Lumrfzt jvm al ovfo wmp jfro pl om vuin wmp lfsu?"

"Why hello Jean, I would like to ask the X-Men to accompany me to rescue a girl who I've been hired to rescue from the overlord of Hell's Kitchen"

As Leonard enjoys the look of shock on her face as he says her name she listens to the rest of his words before closing the door and saying that they would need to think about it.

"Well Ms, Jean may you please tell them that this will take place tomorrow?"

As Leonard continues down the hallway he hears her:

"We'll accompany you but after this, we would like to ask some questions about you"

"That's fine Ms, Grey"

As he watches again in shock that he not only knows her first name but also her last name as well.

Leonard then walks away before taking another look at her as he enters the elevator. After Leonard leaves the hotel he pulls out his phone and checks for nearby gun shops. As he finds one that's open 24/7 he calls for a taxi to take him to the location. As he gets out he gives the driver 100 for the drive and to wait to drive him back. As the taxi drivers give a nod of an agreement he walks into the store and goes over to the sniper's area and spots what looks to be an L115A4. As he picks it up out of the case and runs his finger down the sides of the gun marveling at the craftsmanship of the gun compared to the ones he used in the army. As the owner walks walk out of a backroom and asks

"You like the gun it's an L115A4 imported from Europe and is used extensively in their army"

"Avv, ovfo'l jvw ao immcut lm laqaifz vmj qphv al ao?"


"Does it come with all the packages?"

As the owner hands over a paper that lists all of the attachments

"AI L115A4 Rifle

Transit Case, 34mm Scope Level, Standard Accessory Rail, Scope Mount, Rear Grip, Muzzle Cap, Harris Bipod ȧssembly and mount, Cleaning Kit, Carrying, SlingMildot, and a MasterBackpack.

"Okay I'll take it as he hands over the card"

"As he packs all the attachments into the MasterBackpack that came with it he leaves the store with the case in hand"

As the Taxi Driver takes a look him Leonard tells him to send him back to the hotel.

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