-Im not human am I?-

479 18 30

Banner art by: ditzydrawz DRESS BOO DRESS BOO DRESS BOO :]

Requested: yeppers, combined idea from @Blue_Rose180 and @skrufi
from... almost 9 months ago 😀
Setting: Ranboo's house & school

Trigger warnings for this chapter!!:
• Mean comment from a kid (kinda bullying/harassment)
• Tranquilizers
• Assault/adults being awful to children

A/N: This has been in my drafts since fall break in September, now it's the end of spring break in March 😰
Wowza that's a long time. Anyways as you probably noticed, I am back !!
This book will now go back to regularly scheduled content with a chapter every other Saturday
This chapter is also a two parter so be aware that this isn't all 👍

                 {-<Ranboo POV>-}

Looking into the mirror he stood awestruck at the sight before him. Two small horns stuck out of his head. He carefully reached up and grabbed one, testing to see if it was actually attached to his head. "Ah!" he hissed, they were sore and hurt to touch, it was like there were a bunch of nerves attached to them. Maybe they were growing from his head.

Two days ago, it was his twelfth birthday. As kids do, he wished for something cool like teleportation, yknow, superhero stuff. Ever since he was a young child, he adored the heros he'd see in comics and on television so he couldn't say he hated the idea of having horns. Although it was kind of scary...

"Boo! come on we have to go" He heard from down the hall,

"be right there!!" he yelled back.

He shook his head a few times, hiding his horns under his hair before grabbing his stuff and running out the door.

Ah school, the most boring 7 hours of his day. Since he didn't really have friends, he'd pass his time by doodling and creating fake scenarios in his head about what he would do if he had superpowers. If I saved them, they'd have no choice but to like me! It was only logical, everyone seemed to like superman and batman and people like that so if he was cool too, people would want to be friends with him.

He hadn't realized class was over until everyone started packing up, he scrambled to get his stuff and hurried to break.

He saw a kid with fox like ears in the line getting lunch but when he was going to find a seat some kids tripped him. "Out of my way, bitch." The guy who tripped him scoffed. The boy on the floor got up, covering his ears and hurried away.

Ranboo didn't know what came over him but he went to follow the kid. He led him to an empty hallway around the back of the lunchroom.

He peeked around the corner, only his eyes were visible. There was two of them now. Furry and.. bee boy? The other kid had a yellow and black sweater as well as small paper wings, although his antennas were real. Interesting..

The fox eared boy looked up before exchanging a glance with bee boy and whispering something in his ear. He looked up too. Ranboo gasped, making eye contact with them before disappearing around the corner. He clung to the wall, closing his eyes as tight as he could. He then felt a light tapping on his shoulder before opening his eyes again. He saw the fox boy and the bee boy looking at him quizzically

"Hello? Who are you?" The bee asked him

"Uh- uh- I'm.. Ranboo" He flashed a quick smile, revealing his pointed fangs

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to creep up on you. But...you guys are hybrids right?" He asked, looking between the two

They both exchanged a glance and turned back to him smiling.

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