-I'm not human am I? pt.2-

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Banner art by: cherri_tryagain.5 on instagram :]

Requested: yessss, this is a part 2 to the last one
Setting: (I don't quite know what it is myself but it's some sort of facility for the hybrids) Dark cell room, light cell room.

Possible triggers for this chapter:
• General injuries from falls and getting hit into walls
• Abuse to hybrids
• Panic attacks/crying
• Mention of murder but it's not described what happened

A/N: Hello dear readers, here's the part 2 you were promised. Also, this is such a long one that it's actually going to be 3 parts, maybe even 4. So have fun with it. I certainly am (:

(Also i'm not splitting this up to make you guys wait, this is just genuinely taking me almost 8k words to finish the whole storyline i've created 😭)

Anyways! hope you enjoy

{-<Ranboo POV>-}

Once, twice, then once again, Ranboo paced around the empty gray toned room. He had lost his sense of time by now, but he had taken to memorizing every inch of this cell they put him in. Something about it was stopping his powers. Trust me, he's tried.

The first few hours spent crying until he couldn't breathe. The next few spent using every ounce of his energy trying anything to escape. It was all getting quite repetitive.

Circling around the dusty floors, creating a path with his feet wasn't very much fun.

The occasional buzz of the lantern they had stuck too high for him to reach and the chip in the cemented walls kept his mind busy. If he had to stay here for another hour he thought he might try and explode the lantern with his mind. Anything to stop hearing the bzz bzzz every five minutes.

This was taking too long.

His eyes drifted to a lone ant climbing up the wall. That meant... it had to have gotten in from somewhere. Which means that there was a way out. Ranboo continued watching the ant with as much focus as it would take to shatter glass. He needed to find its gateway in. It continued climbing towards the ceiling.


Just as Ranboo suspected. On the ceiling was a small gap, just big enough for an ant. Problem was, it was too high up for Ranboo to reach.

Remembering a maneuver he had seen in a comic once, he wondered if he could do it too. Now that he had superpowers (granted they wouldn't work right now) maybe he could be a superhero too... This was enough motivation for Ranboo to try.

He backed up as far as he could until he touched the opposite wall. He took a breath in.. then ran. Maybe it was a mistake to close his eyes.. He ran straight into the wall, falling over with a heavy thud. He sat down for a moment, trying to regain his composure. After a few seconds of being dizzy, he decided to try again.

One, two, three, go!

He ran forwards, putting one foot on the wall, then the other. With the agility of a panda bear, he tried to push off the wall before gravity pulled him down and he somersaulted backwards until he fell flat. Laying on the floor, he stared at the monotone ceiling blankly. He let out a long annoyed sigh before getting back up to try again.

Time after time, he kept falling over. He got close once though.. He jumped back and grabbed the lantern, but he had too much momentum and was flung off. To be fair, the kid had resilience and you had to give him that.

One last time, he promised.

He brushed himself off, ignoring his aching legs and began running. Like a cat, he ran forwards, pushing off the wall and catching the lantern. He took advantage of the hold and climbed up so he could sit atop it without falling. He stopped for a second to catch his breath before it finally registered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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