⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

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Of those remaining, only Vegeta remained seated. He knew better than anyone, he was yet to get the spotlight. After all, he figured Goku still had a lingering irritation against Earth. So he simply sat back when he spotted the Saiyan come back without his oldest. It made him smile, knowing he still remained the same in his own heart. Of course, the two present had already prepared for battle. They were the opening show before the finale. A simple obstacle that Vegeta was sure Goku would simply smash through.

He had never been more right than in that moment. One moment the Saiyan had remained still, the next he broke the distance. A single punch sent the android spiraling backwards, Piccolo attempting to reach out. He let his arms stretch, not preparing for Goku; who simply grabbed hold. In a swift movement, he spun the Namekian around, colliding the green form with the rising android. Both hit hard, leaving them to roll together along the ground. Dust rose in the air before Goku shot a blast, seeing the explosion that vibrated the air before viewing the two reappear above in the stands. It made the other Saiyan sigh before his gaze rolled over Vegeta.

The Prince had stayed patient, simply observing. He gave a wide smirk, finally taking note that he was up. Rising from the rubble, he stepped down from his vantage point. Each step was light, his charcoal hair shifted rarely with the elegant approach. His once cold gaze had warmed over, showing a genuine joy. Even his voice seeped with anticipation and sheer excitement. To finally fight his rival once more; it was like a dream.

"It's just you and I, Kakarot. Don't hold back on me." Goku nodded, letting his voice wash over the other Saiyan.

"I'd dare not. It would be rude and impolite, Vegeta. I owe you much, including an apology. I simply left without a word, so I want to say 'I'm sorry'. You were my only real friend, while a rival; yet you held me high in respect. You deserve the truth of my location. For that, I owe you greatly."

"You owe me nothing, Kakarot. They wronged you. I understand why you left." Goku gave a weak smile, glancing toward the stands.

"What of Chi-Chi?" Vegeta raised a brow, scoffing.

"You still worry about that harpy?"

"Hardly. I simply wish to know whether she's breathing or not. I haven't paid much mind to the planet, but I do want to thank you for keeping Gohan out of trouble." The prince sighed, waving it off as it brought a chuckle to Goku. "I mean it, Vegeta. He's still my family."

"I know that. Because he was family, I kept tabs on him. Earth doesn't have forever though. I've marked its days, so be sure to claim back your family before then. You can't blame me if you forget." Goku smiled widely, nodding as he refocused on Vegeta.

"I'll be sure to do so. Pay me a visit sometime. You're welcome anytime, Vegeta. Whether we're both destroyers or not, you're my true friend." Vegeta hummed in approval, narrowing his gaze. He rested his body a bit lower on his feet, raising his hands as he let his tone fall.

"I'll think about it. I say we get this fight going, Kakarot. No holding back, remember!" The other Saiyan nodded, readying his stance.

"All out from the beginning, correct?"

"While I'd enjoy drawing this out, we're running on thin time. It's our final battle for a time, so I'd like to see the growth. To see my rival's strength. Hold nothing back." Goku smirked, taking a few steps back as he felt Vegeta's power rise. The blue glow illuminated the Saiyan as the Prince prepared to strike. He still remained still, simply observing as Goku took the silence to transform. He'd kept it on reserve, but he was prepared to reveal his secret. While Vegeta waited for the brilliant blue, he was put in awe by the deep breathing of the other. The slight white and silver glow rolled along the muscles and length of Goku's body, surrounding him as a gentle warmth seeped off the frame. It made Vegeta widen his eyes, though a smile remained present. He needed no answers. He knew what was before him. It was something he had yet to achieve, but swore to conquer in the future. "You did it. You achieved Ultra instinct!"

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