"I look for joy in a strange place"

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"No please don't do this"

I cried, as I saw my partner throwing out my belongings.

"Please, I have nowhere else to go"

"Figure it out"

He snapped. I was on the floor in tears, begging, begging him to let me stay. He grabbed my arm, and dragged me towards the front door.

"Get out of here"

He slammed the door in my face, I was in shock and my heart in pieces. I loved him so much, I was crazy about him. He just didn't love me the same. I stood there in the rain, not knowing where I would go. I grabbed my stuff, and headed for the closest bar. I was heartbroken, he's done this before, but this time was different. After a drink or two, a boy around my age walked towards me. He wasn't bad looking, but I've seen better.


He smiled at me.


He grabbed a chair and sat next to me. We started talking, our conversation went on for what felt like hours. His eyes were gorgeous, a deep blue, prettier than the clearest ocean. He listened to every crazy thing I had to say. It was nice. It was getting late, so I stood up and headed towards the exit.

"Wait, i'll drive you home"

"Oh, ok"

I accepted the offer, not like I was in a hurry anyways. He asked me for directions, I wasn't sure where I was going, so I told him the directions to my parents place.
We went the whole way in silence, and I caught him looking at me for a few seconds, he quickly turned his head, as if nothing had happened. When we arrived he took my hand and said,

"I wanna stay with you..."

"For the night?"

"No, for life"

I looked at him, bewildered for a second. I just opened the door and gave him my number. Maybe we could see eachother again.

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