Chapter one

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When on Earth is the bashed man?
Lady Magie enny resisted the urge to stalk to her front door, throw it open,and dredge the street of London for him herself.
What if he wasn't going to show up at all?
The thought tightened the muscles in he shoulders,but she refused to let her well practiced smile fade away. Instead,she surveyed the room with the air of serene confidence worn only by a hostess who has accomplished the difficult task of melding a diverse group of people into a cohesive gathering.

There were perhaps thirty in attendance at her salon tonight. In one corner, several members of parliament argued amicably about some obscure issue. Another grouping discussing the latest rising poet,while the merit of a new exhibit of painting held the attention of yet another cluster of guests.

Maggie's skill as a hostess in such a setting was unrivaled,her reputation for gathering of this nature unequaled. The picture she presented to the world was,as always,cool and controlled and competent.

Not a single guest here would suspect every nerve in her body was stretched as taut as a piano, imagine the upheaval in her stomach. Absolutely no one would ever dream it took every ounce of self discipline she possessed not to scream aloud in sheer frustration.

Where was shellbrooke?
Maggie glanced at the doorway once again,just as she had ever in ever few minutes since her guests had begun arriving. He should have been here an hour ago.

She knows his rejection would not have been the desire effect on shellbrooke,since he have clue of what her intentions was all about.

Maggie try as much as possible to divert her attention towards her guests,she dutifully meandered from group to group, offering an observation here,a comment there. Any other evening she would have fully take part in one discussion or the other,but tonight she seems unable to concentrate.

She paused at a small knot of guests gathering before a new panting her brother Henry had sent her.

..... surely,sir Matin,you are not suggesting that work of art has no merit unless it include figures?

Sir Matin,a collector noted for his extravagance but not necessarily his taste,adopted a smug expression. "Come on Mr Addison, without depictions of human form,this is nothing more than a pretty picture.

"And is there anything wrong in a pretty picture?". A wry voice sounded behind her,and she turned sharply.

Richard Hawk,the Earl of shellbrooke,stood with his hands clasped behind his back, studying the painting withan air of thoughtful consideration. Her heart skipped a beat.

So this was the man who filled her thoughts in recent days. She hadn't stood this close to him in years. He was a good six feet inches taller than she,his brows pulled together in concentration. His hair was curl,deep rich walnut unruly curl and just a shade too long,just as if he had forgotten to keep it trimmed.

Sir Martin's eyes narrowed as if he couldn't believe this unknown newcomer temerity to question his opinion."Without an aspect of humanity,a pain has no emotion nor a soul"

"Nonsense",Mr Addison,a critic if some note, snorted in disdain. How can you look at a scenelike this and say it has no soul? Why? Obviously you can almost smell the scent of the grasses and feels the winds blowing the clouds across the sky.

"One could say the painting expresses not the soul of a man but the soul of God", Lord shellbrooke said mildly.

What perception....."Mr Addison laughed." I don't believe we have met.

"I have just now arrived". He turned to her and took her hand,. "Please forgive me,Lady Maggie,I was unavoidably detained." He raised her hand to place a kiss on them, with his gaze never leaving here.

His eyes,were brown,deep and endless also intense,and for the briefest moment she wondered if he could see her soul in her eyes has he had seen the painting.

The touch of his lips on her hands was unexpectedly warm and intimate even here in the midst of the crowded room. She resisted the desire to jerk her hand away and forced a cool note to her voice." Were you late,my Lord? I hadn't noticed that."

Then I shall save my apology for a noticable offense. " He released her hand and straightened. A twinkle lurked in his eyes but he did not smile.

She raised a brow. "And do you plan on more noticeable offense?"

"I plan little beyond the moment my lady." He nodded as he turned to introduce himself to Mr Addison and the others.

At once,the debate over the value of the work before them resumed,and she was left with an annoying sense of dismissal. Why,she had been right in the first place,the man was totally rude. Although,she had to admit,his immediate immersion in the discussion to save her from conversing with him alone.

And at the moment,she had no idea what to say and not the faintest notion where to begin,she only murmured an appropriate comment and withdraw, preferring to observe him from a safe distance.

The mere touch of his hand had a startling effect on her. It was absurd,of course. They shared nothing than a passing acquaintance and that was nothing more than a vaguely remembered dance during her first and only season years ago.

What would he think of her proposal and all that? was the thought she was filled with. Her stomach churned at the thought.

For some couple of time she watched him join in one discussion then another. He was as intelligent as she had led to believe. His comments were well spoken and to the point. He acquitted himself in a knowledge manner whether the conversation is about politics, literature or art.

She couldn't help but be impressed. Still even when his contribution was amusing and those around him laughed,he was restrained.

She had the impression he was more concerned with observation and reactions of people than the permitting his own emotions to be noted.

"I must say lady Maggie". Lady shilla joined her beside a table laid with refreshments. "What an intriguing man Lord shellbrooke is."

Do you think so? Maggie murmured and slipped at her fortifying glass of wine.

"He's so wonderful mysterious" said Lady shilla.


Yes, Lady shilla fluttered her fan. While he is not reticent to express an opinion, nothing he says reveals anything about himself.

Maggie studies his tall figure,"What is there to reveal? There are few secret in London. Men as attractive as the Earl do not usually go out of their was to avoid attention. Why,the man never smiles. I have often noticed him at social occasion, Lady shilla slanted her a curious look.

However, Maggie,have never seen him at one of your salon before,so why did you invite him?

Maggie raised a shoulder in a casual shrug. " I simply like a varied group of guests and someone suggested he might be an interesting addition.

Shellbrooke's gaze caught hers from across the room and he lifted his glass slighted in acknowledgment,has if he knew the direction her thoughts had taken.

A hot flush swept up her face and she nodded politely, turning her gaze away from his.

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