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The days dragged on in uncertainty. After the incident with him had happened in the drawing room, I made sure that I was not alone with the Prince again. However that did not mean we never saw each other. The time in the dungeon had formed a sort of bond between Mason, Aria, Caleb and I, and I felt more comfortable with them. Even Caleb.

Calebs initial assessment had been right. Penelope and Ashley both decided to leave the following day. They were apologetic but their haste to leave betrayed their fear. Aria had commented that if this scared them off they would not cope with the demands of royal life anyway.

This morning had seen a thick blanket of snow fall, so Aria and I were in the Library, in front of a toasty fire. She was reading a story of dragons and monsters, and I was reading old records of Corisan.

'Why on earth would you want to read boring books about people who are dead?'

Caleb sauntered in the room, followed closely by Mason, and mocked my choice of book.

'They can't be much more boring than the people who are alive' I quipped back, not losing my spot in the line I was reading. Caleb huffed but Mason barked a sharp laugh and Aria giggled.

I let me eyes wander over the top of my book and studied the men as they perused the bookshelves. They were having a subdued conversation that I couldn't quite make out except for a few key words like 'duty' and 'princess'. When Caleb spun around to walk back towards the sitting area I closed my book, Aria doing the same.

'What are you talking about Caleb?' Aria's tone demanded an answer, and Caleb sighed. "The King is writing to Princesses from different Kingdoms, but they might not come if we have a serious war going on'

'Do you think there will be much fighting?' I hated asking Caleb but I was curious.

Mason joined us then, and sighed into a seat. 'The attempt on my life was serious, and Father is hesitant to bring any new people into the castle. Mother is trying to force it, but I don't think anyone will come'

Caleb rolled his eyes 'You left out the part where it is your duty to marry someone, and it would be better if it was sooner rather than later, to establish an alliance and help bring the peace'

His words agitated Mason, who began to pace the room restlessly.

'What have they done with the assassin?' Part of me did not want to know, but the curiosity won out.

'He's in the gaol. His family are being questioned as well. He says he has no allegiance to any man, simply to the people of the West'

It was Aria's turn to sigh, 'I do not like when there is fighting between the people, it makes me feel so unsettled'

'It is a little scary'

Masons eyes darted to me at this admission but he did not say anything. He still hasn't questioned me about the action that saved his life, and I would do all that I could to discourage it. If that meant making him think I was a scared little girl, then so be it.

Aria suddenly perked up with a giggle 'Has anyone told Lady Welsey that Princesses might be coming to the castle to fight with her for the crown?'

Mason glared at her 'Did it cross your mind that they are not just fighting for royalty? Maybe they actually like me' his tone was cross but I saw the vulnerability behind the question. He himself did not think that any of the ladies truly wanted him. It was all about Corisan.

Aria stuck out her tongue, defiant in the face of his sarcasm. Caleb sat down across from Aria and closed his eyes with a sigh.

'I don't think anyone has opened that book in a long time' Mason gestured to the one I was holding. He got up from his chair and stood beside me, reading over my shoulder. 'It is not very interesting, I will admit' the confession was pointed at Caleb and he looked to me in triumph.

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