
95 2 4

Song- Feels like you
Artist- Faime

1 month later
7:30 AM

I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I was really sleepy so I snoozed it. The school starts at 9 anyway. I don't need makeup or anything. I'm a natural beauty. A couple of minutes later, my sisters came to my room and sat me up and started shaking me.

"WAKE UP SIS!!" They both shouted

I groaned

"Let me sleep" I mumbled while burying my face in my pillow

"Sorry sis, But you can't! You have to go to school! And mom's making breakfast so get ready and come downstairs" Shinobu nee- san exclaimed

"That's right! And we will be staying here for 1 more month! We've got a break. Eeeek! I can't wait to spend time with our family!" Mitsuri nee- san exclaimed  (Idk if universities give breaks for that long but Imma just go with this)

"But Nee- san! My school starts at 9 and its 7:40 now! Let me sleep!" I said to my sisters

"Nope. Up, up, up! Or you get no breakfast!" Shinobu nee- san said making me groan

"Fine" I said and got off my bed

I brushed my teeth and then showered. I put on my uniform and then I went downstairs.

"Mornin' baby sis!" My brothers said to me

"Mornin' Mui- nee and ne- mi" I said back to them

"Morning princess!" My parents said to me

"Morning mom and dad" I said back to them

"Breakfast's ready guys! Dig in!" My mom said to us

"Pancakes.. yum.." I mumbled

"Thank you for the food" We all said and started eating

After we had breakfast, I went upstairs and did my hair. After that, I packed my bag which included all my books, stationary, sanitizer, a couple of extra masks, my phone and my earphones. I put my mask on and came downstairs. I waved my family goodbye and started walking towards Akane's house. There I saw Akane, Komori and Sakusa standing by the lamp post.

"How long were you all waiting?" I asked them

"About 10 min" Komori answered 

"I see.. Thank you"

"No problem" Sakusa replied

"Let's go now, shall we?" Akane asked us

"Sure.." Sakusa answered

No one's POV
8:47 AM

Akane and Komori kept on chatting and laughing while Sakusa and Y/N kept talking until they reached the school. They went to their classes. When Y/N and Sakusa reached their class, everyone started whispering to each other.

"Mornin' guys!!" Mina exclaimed

"Morning.." Y/N replied

"Morning Y/N" Todoroki said to Y/N while smiling

"Morning Shoto.." Y/N replied smiling back

"Good morning students! Let's start the class!" Their teacher Suzuki Mei announced

No one's POV
1:16 PM

After the classes ended, they went to the rooftop and started having their lunch.

"Guys! I heard volleyball nationals are coming up! Is it true?" Mina asked while facing Y/N, Sakusa, Akane and Komori

"Yeah! They start in a month" Akane answered

"Really?! I can't wait!! We will definitely watch the matches!!" Mina exclaimed

"Me too! And you guys are one of the top players in Japan right?" Jiro asked them

"Yeah! I'm one of the top 3 liberos in Japan! I'm also one of the top setters! Y/N is one of the top 3 spikers and one of the top 3 setters in Japan!" Akane replied

"I'm also one of the top 3 liberos in Japan and Sakusa is one of the top 3 spikers in Japan!" Komori replied

"Woahh. You guys are so cool!! I can't wait for the nationals to start!" Mina exclaimed

"Me too" Todorori replied with a small smile

"It's gonna be so manly and so cool!" Kirishima exclaimed

"I know right!" Kaminari shouted

"Whatever" Bakugo mumbled but Midoriya heard it

"Kacchan!" Midoriya whisper yelled

After the bell rang, they went back to their classes.

No one's POV
5:02 PM

"Okay guys! Meet you all later! Byee!" Mina exclaimed

They all waved goodbye and went to their clubs. Y/N, Sakusa, Akane and Komori started walking to the volleyball clubs. Since the have different club rooms, they parted ways and reached their club

"Akane! Y/N! You two are late!" The coach Akito exclaimed

"Sorry coach!" Akane shouted while bowing

"It's okay. Now come in and warm up" Akito said to them

They went in and started warming up. After warming up, Y/N filled her water bottle.

"Okay! Everyone gather!" The coach shouted

"Yes coach!" All the girls shouted and gathered

"Since nationals are coming up next month, we will be going to a training camp with Nekoma, Inarizaki, Fukurodani, and Karasuno next week! These are some of the top teams in Japan currently. There will be both male and female teams of all the schools there! It will be held in Tokyo, at Nekoma  Your club advisor, Rindo will be taking us there! I will be sending you all consent forms, make sure you all get it signed by your parents. We will stay there for 1 week. Dismissed!" The coach announced

"Yes coach!" All the girls shouted and left to practice 

No one's POV
6:03 PM

After the practice Akane and Y/N met up with Komori and Sakusa. They all went to the entrance and saw others waiting for them.

"You're early today.." Todoroki said to Y/N while smiling

"Yeah.. Practice ended early today" Y/N replied back while smiling back under her mask

"How long were you all waiting for?" Akane asked them

"About 5 minutes" Uraraka replied

"I'm exhausted today!! Today's practice was harder than before!" Kaminari exclaimed

"Because the nationals for the music clubs are coming up idiot" Jiro replied

"Really? When will your nationals start?" Akane asked them

"Next month" Jiro replied

"I see.." Akane replied

"Guys!! We should have a sleepover sometime!" Mina exclaimed

"I agree! It's gonna be so fun!" Kirishima said joining with Mina

"Yes, but now we have to get going.. It's getting late" Uraraka replied

"Yeah.." Midoriya said joining in

"Okay then! Let's go in pairs like we always do!" Mina exclaimed (the same pairs from the karaoke part)

They all started to walk home. Everyone got really close with each other including Sakusa and Y/N. 

"Hey Y/N" Sakusa said to Y/N

"Hey, What's up?" Y/N replied to Sakusa

"I want new supplies again and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Sakusa asked Y/N

"Sure. I need new supplies too anyway" Y/N replied

"Did your coach tell you about the training camp?" Sakusa asked Y/N

"Yeah! I think he said both male and female teams are going to the camp this year.." Y/N replied

"Yeah.." Sakusa replied

"I'm so excited!! I can't wait!" Y/N exclaimed

"Why?" Sakusa asked Y/N confused

"My best friend is gonna be there too!" Y/N replied

"Which school is she from?" Sakusa asked Y/N

"Karasuno and its a 'he' by the way" Y/N replied

"Karasuno.." Sakusa mumbled 

"What?" Y/N asked Sakusa

"Nothing" Sakusa replied

"O..kay? See ya tomorrow!! Byee" Y/N exclaimed and left to her house

Sakusa was left deep in thoughts. He was thinking about the best friend of Y/N. Sakusa admitted that he liked Y/N. So, he's feeling jealous. 

To be continued...

A/N note:
Hey guys!! I know its been a while since I've uploaded..😔 School started so I got busier. Will upload another part as soon as possible. Sorry if this part is bad..

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