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WARNING: There will be manga spoilers from this chapter. 

Song- Crush
Artist- frad, Esthie


Finally! After that 21 hr of hell... I finally reached Brazil! Gramps said that there will be someone else training with me. I wonder who...

I continue walking thinking who might be the person training with me. I suddenly bumped into someone

"Oof! Sorry! Are you hurt?" I here someone say to me

"I'm okay. I'm sory for bumping into you" I say as I look at that person making me shocked


"Y/N- san!? What are you doing here?!" He asks me

"I'm here to train! What about you?" I reply

"Me too!"

"I see you two met already" I hear someone interrupt our conversation. 

"Who are you?" I ask

"I'm Katou Lucio. Nice to meet you, L/N Y/N and Hinata Shoyo!" A man who has a lean but muscular build. He has light colored hair, dark eyebrows and a short beard and camt'se to us with a large smile

"Ah. So you're the person grandpa was talking about. Nice to meet you, Katou- san" I reply as I bow and Shoyo bows with me

"No need to be formal, L/N. Now, I'll be taking you guys to your dorm so that you can unpack your stuff and everything. Then tomorrow, you guys could go sightseeing and then after that, I'll take you guys to the beach, where you guys are gonna train. And firstly, I'd like you two to lean Portuguese, so that it will be easier for you guys to communicate with the people here"

"Alright. Thanks, Katou- san" I reply


We got to our dorm and started unpacking everything. It's 11:57PM here currently, which means it's around 11AM in Japan. 

I jump on my bed, tired. I take out my phone and start texting Kiyoomi

Hey babe

N/N.. Did you reach Brazil safely?

Yeah! And guess what..
Shoyou is here in Brazil to train too!

Really? That's good.
Thank god you're not alone..

You're right

Y/N🖤sent a picture
A picture of Y/N and Shoyo with their arms around each other, smiling big

..Did you really have to put your arms aound each other?

Don't be jealous, Omi. I'm only yours

Sakusa blushes at this

I miss you.

Omi😷 sent a picture
A picture of Sakusa without mask and pouting

Aww.. You look so cute babe~ and.. I miss you too.

Uhh.. Guys? I don't mean to ruin the
moment you guys might want to talk
privately 😅. P.S, Sakusa you look really 
cute in that picture and Y/N, all the best for 
your training. We all miss youu~

Y/N and Sakusa both blush out of embarrassment as they realize they've been talking in the group chat.


Not manly man ;-; buut you still look cute
and you're very manly, Y/N! All the best for 
your beach training!


Damn.. I never expected this from Sakusa
Not complaining though.

You look very cute Sakusaa~ and Y/N, you slay girl!

I agree!



Kacchan! That's mean! You look good, Sakusa and Y/N

I agree. You look like a lost puppy and Katsuki
you're laughing too loud. And Y/N, as always,
looking like an angel

Todoroki and Bakugo are currently hanging out with each other.

Todoroki❄️ sent a pictureA picture of Bakugo on the floor, laughing

Shoto~ Delete that!

I got my daily dose of tea 🍵😎


Umm.. Thanks guys.. It's getting
late here. I'll be heading out.
Good night, everyone.

I'll go too. Forget this all happened.

After that, I called my family to tell them I made it.

The next day
8:49 AM

I wake up to the smell of food. I walk out and see my roommate, Alexandrina. 


We came out of the airport and reached out dorms. Shoyou's was the room beside mine. I was told that I have a roommate. I wonder who it is..

I slowly walked to the door of my dorm and knocked on the door. After a couple of minutes, the door opened. It was a girl with blond hair, blue eyes and red lips. She looks so pretty! 

"Ei! Você poderia ser S/N. Prazer em conhecê-la! Eu sou Alexandria. Pode me chamar de Alex. Eu vou te mostrar o Brasil. Você é tão lindo!" She says while grinning and reaching out her hand
Translation: Hey! You might be Y/N. Nice to meet you! I am Alexandria. You can call me Alex. I'll show you around Brazil. You are so Beautiful!

Thank god I learned Portuguese.

"Prazer em conhecê-lo também, Alex" I reply as I reach out for her hand
Translation: Nice to meet you too, Alex

"Entre! Eu vou te mostrar o dormitório" 
Translation: Come inside! I'll show you around the dorm.

Then, she showed me around Brazil. Shoyou came with us too. I made a metal remainder to teach Shoyou Portuguese.

Flashback ends

"Ah, Y/N! Bom Dia! Você dormiu bem?" She asks me
Translation: Good morning! Did you sleep well?

"Alex! Sim eu fiz. O que você está cozinhando?"
Translation: Alex! Yes, I did. What are you cooking?

"Estou cozinhando bacon e ovos para nós. Atualizar! Seu treino começa hoje!"
Translation: I'm cooking bacon and eggs for us. Freshen up! Your training starts today!

To be continued...

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