"Ink sighed long, his back arched while he watched with a dull eye the field of echo flowers in front of him. He was desperate, desperate by his constant fails, his flirting attempts for Error that didn't lead to anything. Seriously, why couldn't th...
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The blackness, the darkness, nothing but darkness that frightened him and pushed him over the edge. The darkness that terrified him, imprisoned him, suffocated him to the point of terror and anguish. This opaque veil that concealed so much, that concealed this hatred that was held against him, this darkness that was only too similar to his corrupt soul.
Yes, Nyx's soul was corrupt.
Once, in times long past, it was purple. A pretty mauve, soft and tender, which made the little upside-down heart want to cuddle this not yet defiled soul.
It hadn't lasted long.
Ink had yelled at him so many times, beaten him up, failed to finish him off... It was Nightmare who had stopped him, Nightmare who had protected him from the fury of the painter.
"You dare to tell me this kid is OUR kid? Ink exclaimed. It's just a silly mistake !!! Let's get rid of him!"
Nightmare had hesitated a long time. So long hesitated... And finally, he had taken one look at Nyx. The poor little half-conscious Nyx, barely breathing, watching the master of nightmares sobbing silently, begging him with his gaze. That look that read, 'Daddy, help'...
Nightmare thought he was failing, turned around and shot Ink in the face:
"If you don't think of him as our son, I don't care. But I will make him my heir. He is MY son, it is out of the question that whoever kills him!"
Use as an object? Yes, that was probably it. No doubt Nyx was nothing more than a common pawn in the eyes of Nightmare. But ... just knowing that he was something to him ... knowing that he could be useful to him ... ...that alone kept Nyx hopeful, alive, doing his best.
[Even if it means eating black apples]
[Eaten over and over again until his soul loses its beautiful purple color]
[May his soul become darker than the darkness]
[That darkness he was so afraid of]
Nyx hiccup. The darkness of unconsciousness, always so present, always so unbearable. Prisoner of a dreamless sleep, of a permanent nightmare, unable to regain contact with reality, or even with lucidity. He cowered in that dark space as he closed his eyes even harder.
He was scared.
He was so scared.
"Fear is a normal thing. You shouldn't be ashamed of it!"
He was startled, straightened his skull abruptly, his pupils becoming question marks as he observed around him. But there was nothing but emptiness, the infinite, dark emptiness. Was the insanity getting the better of him, making him hear voices?
"Ahah, no Nyx, I'm the best person to know that you're not crazy. Not completely!"