N°8 [From a common everyday life is born a form of tenderness]

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The noise of the hotplates and the sweet smell of eggs and bacon had invaded the whole kitchen and a good part of the castle. A pleasant way to wake up and start a long day, in short.

But not for Horror, who had been awake for six hours as usual and was the one preparing breakfast.

Oh, he normally loved to cook and prepare good food for the whole castle! But this time, as it happens, he hated it. He hated it because he didn't understand WHY Nyx was already up and staring at him, sitting quietly at the table!

"For the umpteenth time, the cannibal growled.

- Why?"

Nyx had asked with a vague innocence, but Horror guessed his amused and mischievous smile.

"Because it's embarrassing shit! Go back to sleeping in instead of bothering me!"

The black-boned skeleton laughs at his vulgarity:

"I'm not sleepy. Besides, it's nicer to have company, isn't it?"

The cook growled. That new guy was right. Even though he loved to cook for everyone, he was always a little sad to be alone in the kitchen when everyone else was busy. But damn it, that didn't mean he liked being fixed that way!

"Would you rather it had been Dust?" Nyx asked.

The other almost choked and turned sharply towards the one in the grey scarf, his face crimson:


- Would you have preferred to spend time with Dust?

- W-What makes you say that? Stop talking bullshit!"

He turned his back to put the eggs on the plates:

"I don't know what's on your mind, but keep it to yourself! You may have helped the boss to go out with Killer, but we don't want you to be the one who's in the middle of our relationship!"

Nyx did not answer, lingering his gaze on the tempting plates. Horror had no trouble seeing his gaze and sighed, before putting one of the plates under his nose:

"Tch, come on, eat."

Nyx blinked, surprised:

"Is that for me?

- Who else?"

He went back to the stove, without seeing the smile of the black-boned one:

"Thank you..."

=== ===

Dust had slumped on the couch as usual, staring dully at the television, which was broadcasting an uninteresting animated series. The skeleton could have changed channels, but beside him was Insomnia. Insomnia was chirping and clapping his hands, all happy in front of this cartoon that seemed to have captured his full attention.

The adult sighed: if he changed, the baby would surely start crying, and Nightmare would make him see all the colors. Annoyed, he abandoned the idea of watching TV and grabbed a magazine from the coffee table, which he began to read without much interest.

Nyx entered the room at that moment. At the sight of him, Insomnia laughed and held out his hands to him. The black skeleton smiled tenderly and approached, only to come and sit down in turn and take the child in his lap. Happy to be with his new friend, the little baby loosened up in his arms and turned his attention back to the television.

Nyx became slightly excited at this sign of attention. Embarrassed, he took care that Insomnia didn't fall and took out his sketchbook, starting to scribble quietly, without seeing Dust, who was discreetly glaring at them.

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