Chapter 1🥀

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"I want to be with you,
It is as simple and complicated as that"

Gulf is happy with his life.

How can he not?
He has a permanent job as a lawyer, has enough money to buy a house, a car or things he needs to and also a girlfriend. He has been dating Pam, his childhood friend since college and now they're preparing for their up-coming wedding which will be happening within 3 months.

The truth is he didn't ask Pam to marry him, it just sort of happened when they were watching "Bridesmaids" and discussed, then come to the conclusion how come they have been together for a really long time that they haven't married yet. So they decided to go for it.

They had just turned 25, and it seemed to be way too soon to be planning on making things permanent but with the constant hinting from Pam's family, Gulf finally gave in. Afterall It was just fast tracking something that was inevitably going to happen anyway.

Gulf really feels it is the most wise decision. The whole time he and Pam were together, everything was fine, they went out sometimes alone or mostly with their common group of friends, talked to each other,discussed things and not mention sex.
Nothing went wrong.
Hell, they don't even have any fight like other couples, it was a good thing right?

Gulf really doesn't want to change anything in his life. But he also can't help feeling something missing. He doesn't know what it is.
It's like he has nothing although he has everything he wanted now : He wanted to be a lawyer, checked. He wanted a home, checked. Most importantly, he wanted to build a family with wife and kids and now he'll be doing that.


"Hello Bright"

"Hello Gulf, how are you bro? It's been long since you called last.
You've been a busy man lately"

Gulf chuckled at his friend's attempt at being sarcastic.
"Yeah I've been busy with new cases. Anyway, is Win with you? I want to tell you guys something"

"He is sitting just beside me in the couch. I'm putting the phone on speaker, say what news you've got"

"Hey Gulf, how you doing?"

"I'm doing great Win. I am actually getting married"

"Holy Fuck!" Gulf heard bright yell from the other side of the speaker.

"I and Pam, we're planning to organize the ceremony in the early of this March or April"
Gulf nervously continued

"Oh my God, we're so happy for you!" Win exclaimed. "Is that four months later?"

"Yeah, something like that. Do you guys know any person who can help, maybe a wedding planner?"

"Suppasit" Win suddenly said.

"Yeah right, he's good" Bright agreed


"Yes, Mew Suppasit. He was our wedding planner as well. He's a miracle worker and literally the best in this city." Win explained

Gulf drifted his mind back to BrightWin'swedding. It was nice, very nice actually with the easy warm light, beautiful decorations, the guy chose daisy which is Gulf's favorite flower out of any other flowers and a little bit weird when every seats had a lollipop but still simple yet most amazing wedding.

"He had done a really nice job at your wedding" Gulf said.

"Yes, his professionalism is on another level. I am texting you the address and contact number of his office, you should take an appointment as soon as you can"

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