The Doc

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"So how's your head Markus? You feeling fine?" said Alias. Markus was sitting down leaning against a tree. Alias was one knee on the ground. Alias could tell on Markus face he wasn't looking right Markus looked dizzy. "Markus, can you hear me?" Markus closed his eyes. "Markus! Are you dying?" Alias said Surprised. Well I have no choice now. Alias slapped Markus across the face.

"Dude what the heck! I'm not going to die from a soccer ball going into my face, I was just trying to meditate. If I was dying I probably would have said that Alias"

"Sorry Markus just had to be sure you weren't dying, I'm not use to this stuff, not yet I am" said Alias.

"What do you mean Alias?" said Markus.

"Well I want to become a doctor when I grow up, I'm studying health right now at home this could help me improve with your condition" said Alias

"We don't know what I have right now it could just be a headeche or I probably messed up my eye sight. You could probably become the doctor of this group" Markus joked.

"I could" Alias laughed. "So let's see how you are." Alias raised up two fingers and said "how many fingers am I holding?" Markus squinted his eyes for a couple of seconds.

"Twenty four, just kidding its two I can see two fingers, tell me Alias why do you want to become a doctor Alias?" said Markus

"Well I want to become a doctor so I can help people, give people some hope, you can also earn a lot of money for being a doctor, Markus, I need to help people and help my future family, so I'm going to have to start early and plan ahead if I want to become a doctor" said Alias. What do you want to be when you grow up? You don't really tell us and some time your going to have to shave that beard" Alias joked.

"Well to be honest Alias I'm not really sure what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe a sensei and teach kids how to focus but my teachers and parents tell me its a side job, the military I can't join because my parents want me to go to college. Or I can become a physical therapist so when kids or adults break anything I could help them bring there self confidence, teach them to never give up and teach them the right thing"

"Dang Markus, we have some thing that's really important to both of us...helping people we should work with each other when we grow up along with the rest of the guys, we can be that awesome team. But, first we would need to plan early and start thinking now or else we won't get the goals we want" said Alias

"Well that's good that your thinking of the future, but also be glad for what you have now, anything can go away in a flash so enjoy it" said Markus. Both, Markus and Alias looked at the other boys seeing what there doing. "You should join them Alias."

"Well first tell me how are you feeling, hot or cold? Why did you roll? And why you where meditating? Then I would join the rest of the guys, even thou I have no idea what they are doing now" said Alias.

"Well I do feel hot because... well I'm always feeling hot" Markus joked. "I rolled because I don't want to get any other injury and explain to my parents how I feel my dad will probably say son why didn't you judo roll? And I meditated so I can relax and try to get this brightness in my eyes to go away, I really dont know how to get rid of this brightness so I'm going to try to close my eyes and meditate so it can go away or when I go home put some eye drops in eyes and not tell my parents" said Markus.

"Eye drops actually sound like a good idea, Markus see your now thinking straight. Alright I'm going to go with the rest of the guys and start doing whatever there doing you should just stay here and heal yourself so you could do judo and school" said Alias

"You know what I could still do this its only my eye sight and just a little headeche plus when's the last time since we have all been together" said Markus.

"You sure about this Markus? I don't think you could play yet, I think you could have a minor concussion you could get really sick, but then again the groups back together" said Alias.

"Sorry Alias you can't stop me from this one, its around once in a year and I'm not going to turn this down, Doc" said Markus.

"Well then let's get going and why did you call me Doc?" said Alias.

"Well you are going to be the Doc in this group am I right?" said Markus

"True, now let's get going to the guys before we miss anything else" said Alias.

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