The Blog

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The Blog.


"No! No! No!" I shouted as my laptop screen went dark. I'd been working on the website for two hours when my computer had taken it upon itself to end its short, pathetic life. It had figuratively hurled itself off a cliff where cheap electronics go to die. I let out a frustrated scream, and slammed it shut.

I suppose it didn't matter so much, what with the recent insufficient number of visits on the site. I guess the kids at my school didn't care that Mrs Kyles, the ex-maths teacher, just gave birth to a baby that looked like the cross of Chuck Norris and Peter Griffin. No offence to the child of course.

I fished out my messenger bag from my closet and filled it with some of my books for school. I somehow managed to squeeze my laptop in there so I would remember to take it down to Noah's shop after school sometime this week.

Downstairs in the kitchen, my mother had my brother in his highchair, trying to feed him. Little Alex had other plans, though. My mother would give him a spoonful of orange mush, only for him to spit it out. He whined as he tried to wriggle out of it to no avail.

"Mornin', Momma," I greeted, entering the kitchen. I walked over to Alex and ruffled his hair. For a baby, he sure did have a nice mop on his head.

"Oh, Riley," she said. "Do you think you could finish feeding your brother? I have to go get ready for work."

I assured her I could handle it she scurried out of the kitchen. I grabbed the jar of baby food she had left on the counter and sat down in the chair across from Alex's. I would feed him a mouthful and he would hit me. I would put the spoon in his mouth and he would spit it out. As a last resort, I even tried the airplane trick. Baby won this time.

Mom  came back into the kitchen, looking as spiffy as ever.  "I'll do it. Just eat your breakfast and get going," She said, setting a bowl of already soggy, questionable Rice Krispies in front of me.

I looked at the clock and realized I only had ten minutes before the bus left, and so only took one bite of cereal. Crap! I hurried to gather my things, and slipped on my shoes

"Bye, Mom. Love you." I kissed her cheek and did the same to my brother. He gurgled and hugged me as best he could with his infant arms. "Bye, Alex."

I dashed out of the house, my bag draped across my shoulder. I turned onto the street, jogging to the corner where a crowd of kids were waiting to be carted off to school. I could see Lilly, leaning against the pole, wearing an intimidating pair of aviator shades.

She hit my arm as soon as I approached her, and I flinched from the impact. "Riley, where the hell have you been?"

I rubbed a hand over the spot where she had so rudely assaulted me. For such a small creature, she sure did pack a hefty punch. "Scuba-diving. Hence the wet attire." I gestured towards my obviously dry clothes.

She rolled her eyes as the bus came to a stop in front of the curb. Grabbing the hood to my sweatshirt, she started to drag me backwards towards our transportation for the day. "Come on."

"Stop dragging me! I can walk on my own."

Her face stayed impassive. "That's funny. Because it's your fault I even have to take this yellow piece of crap to school."

"Oh, yes. It's my fault you wrecked your own car."

The two of us walked to the back of the bus, only to find a group of freshman giggling and gossiping amongst themselves. They quietened when they noticed Lilly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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