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Marinette narrowed her eyes, scanning each word on the page very carefully.
   Each word only made her more and more frustrated.

It was a contract that was written decades ago. How could someone be so selfish?

To promise someone else's hand in marriage in exchange for some ancient jewels. The more Marinette thought about it, the more she felt more and more lucky.

Had she been promised to someone that wasn't anything like Adrien, she really would've been in huge trouble.

While at first she didn't like Adrien the way she did now, she couldn't have been more grateful for his kindness and patience towards her. It was one of many reasons why she fell in love with him.

With her lips pressed together Marinette had placed the contract down on to her desk with a grimace.

It had been a year and then some since she had found out she was pregnant with her son and Marinette was grateful that the pregnancy was easy. After viewing what Alya went through, she was worried she'd have so many uncomfortable complications.

Marinette had Adrien stick by her through everything and if it were up to him Marinette would've been carried everywhere. Adrien wouldn't even let her walk to the bathroom by herself.

  She reached up and began to pinch the bridge of her nose, slowly folding the contract and sliding it to the corner of the desk.

It was airtight.

"You alright?" Adrien asked, slowly walking into Marinette's work room with their son on his hip. "You've been in here for awhile, Louis is getting a little antsy. I phoned Alya and Nino, they're on their way. I've already set up the birthday cake and the music, Louis will surely remember this." Adrien continued, excitement lacing within the base of his voice as he watched Marinette slowly stand up.

  Marinette blinked, running a hand through her dark curls with a stone of guilt inside of her stomach. She was so preoccupied with the legitimacy of the contract that she had nearly forgot that her son's first birthday party was to be taken place at their poolside in the backyard.

  "Oh, right." Marinette frowned, opening her arms out to her son who reciprocated the gesture with a grimace. He was nearly leaping out of his father's arms the moment he saw his mother. "Come here, my love." Marinette murmured, taking the little one in her arms.

"Mama..." Louis cooed, nuzzling his face into her chest with a small blush. He held on to her tightly, his other arm reaching out for Adrien to come closer.

  Adrien moved closer to his wife and son with a sheepish smile, he leaned against Marinette, pressing a small kiss to her forehead.

"Did you find anything faulty with the contract?" Adrien whispered, placing a hand on their son's back. "I've been meaning to look at it all day but Louis woke up early from his nap."

  Marinette slowly began to bounce, holding their one year old close to her as she shook her head, keeping her gaze over to Adrien who watched her tentatively. "Nope, the contract is airtight."

"You mean our marriage isn't a sham?" Adrien asked, perking a brow with a small laugh. "That's a shame."

  Marinette scoffed, soon pressing her lips together as she placed her hand on top of his as they both lay on Louis' back.
"Nope, we're legit." She glanced up at him. "I'm glad that it worked out for us both..." her voice trailed off. "But I can't help but to think about if it hadn't. Like, what if you were someone else? What if they promised my hand to someone like Nick?" Her lips twisted in disgust. "It just seems selfish."

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