Chapter 46

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(I.e in the last chapter Adrien refused to to get off by touching Marinette so he fixed the problem himself. In the other scene Luka and Kagami had their own moment.)

They are not some random chapters thrown into the story. They fit in with the chronological storyline. They're just extra scenes. I want to continue adding them so that Luka and Kagami have more depth to them, even chloe but if they continue to confuse people, I'm just gonna delete them and forget about the whole thing as a whole.

Perhaps I'm a bad writer? I'll admit to that, but usually explanations for Adrien's actions are explained after the cliffhanger in the next chapter as to why he won't touch Marinette, despite her obviously wanting him to.
I'll try to convey it better next time. I really want to stop putting author's notes in my story as a whole.


"You're huge!"

Alya flinched at the sound of Marinette's choice of words.

Indeed it had been a few weeks since they had last seen each other, but the last thing Alya wanted to be called was huge.

As far as she was concerned she wasn't even that big yet.

Alya tugged at her shirt, glancing back at Marinette who stumbled into her apartment. The brunette crossed her arms stubbornly, a dry smile on her lips as her friend closed the door behind her once she was inside.

"Huge?" Alya reiterated, her eyes trained on Marinette as she approached her warmly. "Are you trying to piss me off?"

Marinette wrapped her arms around Alya, squeezing her tightly as she was careful not to smush the bag of sweets she was holding for Alya.

"Oh. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't piss you off?" The young woman groaned before she pulled away to get a better look at the small baby bump that was forming beneath Alya's flowy shirt.

"Are these for me?" Alya inquired, glancing down at the paper bag that Marinette delicately held in her hand.

She was still early in her pregnancy and though it was perceptible that her morning sickness was still around, Alya had began to also notice that she was experiencing cravings.

Alya loved sweets, but on this particular occasion she was craving cake icing. Knowing how well Marinette had quite the dexterity when it came to baked goods, especially due to her upbringing, Alya couldn't have felt any luckier.

"Oh!" Marinette raised, shimmying her hips inside of her pink high-waisted shorts as she made her way to the kitchen counter. "Yes, I made you some cupcakes. I wasn't sure if you were well enough to eat some sweets." Marinette explained, placing the paper bag on to the counter.

Alya followed closely behind Marinette, not wasting any time to reach into the bag and help herself to any cupcake that sat inside.

"Why wouldn't I be well enough to have cupcakes?!" Alya exclaimed, immediately peeling the wrapper off the base of the cupcake so she could properly drag her tongue against the pink and blue icing that sat on top.

Marinette blushed deeply, reaching up to brush her fingers against the back of her neck. She was faintly aware of the straps of her black top nearly rolling off her shoulders from the sweat.

It had suddenly gotten so hot inside the room and Marinette had to take in a deep breath.
Especially when it came to what she had been planning to confess to her friend.

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