Chapter 23

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A/N: Art featured in this chapter was provided by the very talented Gisekitty who was gracious enough to give me permission to upload it.
   Thank you so much, Gise!

On another note, thank you for 13k reads! You guys are awesome.

What do you guys think of me using the term "Blunette" to describe, Marinette? I know I can't please everyone but if this term seems to veer away from the majority I'll try and change it but please let me know.

   Enjoy the update my loves and happy holidays!


Kagami quietly glanced around Adrien's bedroom, her fingertips gliding across the dresser top by the window.
The female could faintly hear the shower going on in the bathroom behind her, and she couldn't help but to wonder if searching through Adrien and Marinette's things was a good idea.

She knew Adrien didn't spend too much time in the shower, and doing so would only put her further at risk of getting caught snooping.

Kagami averted her gaze to the made up bed in the center of the room. She crossed her arms, a sour taste brewing in her mouth as she began to speculate that Adrien wasn't the only one who slept in this bed at night.

Of course, it couldn't have been Adrien's culpability. There was no possible way.

She had no choice but to inculpate Marinette.

Surely that result was the only sensible one.

Since Marinette walked into their lives, all she did was confiscate all that held her and Adrien close together.
Marinette often intruded on their intimate moments, she'd show up to their mutual outings uninvited and certainly unannounced.

Kagami exhaled, her lips pursing in distressed contemplation. She crossed her arms tautly, her expression anything but flaccid as her heart palpitated relentlessly.

The young woman averted her eyes, attempting to derail herself away from her abysmal thoughts in regards to the endless possibilities of Adrien and Marinette's physical engagements within their potential shared bed.

She trailed her fingers back against the smooth glossy wood of his wardrobe dresser before she caught a glimpse of something incredibly pulchritudinous.

She reached over, her hand lightly picking up the box that held on to Emilie's family ring of love; the diamond that had been previously worn by Marinette unbeknownst to her.

The diamond sparkled in the sunlight, the band remaining as extravagant as ever.

Her brown eyes scanned over the exemplary jewel, and she gingerly reached into the box, picking out the ring before she curiously placed it on to the finger of her left hand.

With a smug grin across her face, Kagami held her hand to her chest.

"A perfect fit..." she murmured, her eyes glancing out towards the window where she saw Marinette approached the front gates after climbing out of their bodyguard's vehicle.


The warm sun caressed Marinette's skin.

If it were possible for her to be anymore flushed than she already was, there was a possibility she would explode into a million chunks of heated flesh.

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