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Avery slowly opened her eyes. All she could see was a bright, blinding light for a few minutes, before her eyes adjusted. The black frame of the bottom of a bunk bed became clearer. She let out a quiet sigh. She was back. Avery sat up, being careful not to bump her head on the frame above her. She looked around her and realised there was a significantly large chunk of the original beds gone. The dead don't need beds to sleep in. Somebody knocked twice on her bed frame. She leaned over the edge and saw Alex giving her a small wave from the bunk below her. "We're back." She said. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Avery smiled. "I saw Sasha, Jackson and Riley. Haven't seen Anna or Tine though. Maybe they decided not to come back." Alex guessed, jumping down from her bed. Avery followed. "Oh and by the way there's that 067 you like so much. Look, over there." She pointed to the corner on their left. 067 sat in the corner, picking her nails, staring blankly at the ground. "Go talk to her, I'll find out what's up with some of the people who returned." Alex pushed Avery in 067s direction. Quietly Avery walked over to her and stopped next to her. "Hey" Avery said to her. 067 looked up at her then replied, "hey" "so you never told me your name.... What is it?" "I told you, asshole, you don't need to know it" "what? I don't see the harm in knowing your name" "why'd you even come back, because of that Alex girl i assume?" Avery saw a change for a good conversation, and sat down beside 067, "what, do you think we're dating or something? You jealous?" 067 blushed, "what no" "well, I'm back because I have nothing else to do with life. If I die here it won't matter because I have nothing. So yeah, that's why I came back" 067 moved closer towards me, "reasonable" ''yeah. Why'd you come back aye?" "None of your business" "come on. I basically told you my whole life story the other day. Why'd you come back?" 067 didn't respond for a bit. The two girls sat in silence for a bit until 067 spoke up, "it's Sae-byeok" Avery raised an eyebrow, "what is?" "My name, it's Sae-byeok." Avery felt her insides go all warm and fuzzy. Was she really falling for this girl? Avery stood up, trying to ignore the butterfly's in her stomach, "well, it's nice to finally know your name, Sae-byeok. Imma find alex now" Avery began walking away from Sae-byeok, a massive smile on her face. Sae-byeoks voice stopped her in her tracks, "I'll come with you. You and Alex seem like the only decent people here." Avery chuckled. "Thanks but honestly I don't think anyone here can be a decent person." Sae-byeok shook her head. "I disagree." Avery felt a blush threaten to creep across her cheeks. She quickly turned away and scanned the room for Alex. She was talking to the creepy guy with the snake tattoo on his neck. He was number 101. He seemed furious, and Alex seemed amused. "I don't think we should leave those two alone to talk, they might start a fight." Sae-byeok observed. "Yeah, c'mon let's go quick." They hurried over to Alex and the snake tattoo dude. "Hey dude, let's go." Avery grabbed Alex's arm and started pulling her away from 101. "Hold on, we were having a conversation here." Alex said. "We were just talking about what went wrong with his life. Get this he-" "You little bitch, you wanna fight huh?" 101 growled. "You wanna fight me? Don't make me laugh." Alex jabbed back. "Okay we are leaving now bye byeeeeee~" Avery forcefully pulled Alex away from the bristling man. Sae-byeok followed, giving 101 a cold look. "Why did you even start talking to that dude?" Avery asked when they got back to their beds. Her, Alex and Sae-byeok all had beds close to each other now. Alex and Sae-byeok sleeping on beds on the ground and Avery's above Alex's. "I was finding out what his deal was. Turned out his little buddies betrayed him or something. I couldn't stand that fucking asshole." Alex rolled her eyes. "He looks like an asshole. Oh yeah did you talk to Sasha and shit?" Avery questioned. Alex nodded. "Yep. Turns out Sasha joined the mafia as a joke, and they didn't take toooo kindly to her wanting to leave. She ended up in a lot of debt and being on the Korean mafias hit list. Jackson gambles too much. Riley got drunk and woke up with no money. That was funny. Oh and Tine and Anna only joined this game once Sasha told them the number. They called it to see if it was legit. Big mistake. That 456 dude has a lot of debt to a lot of people, and he wants enough money so he can take custody of his daughter. That's all I found out." Alex shrugged. Avery laughed, "Riley probably went to some whore house and spent all his money there. Alex he was probably pretending the strippers were you-" Avery was cut off by a punch to the chest. "Can you don't?" Alex said to the girl, looking slightly offended by what Avery had said. Avery changed the subject, "okay. If we wanna win this thing we need some sort of strategy. Find a way to find out what the next games are or some shit" Alex raised an eyebrow, "how would we do that? Beat the masked assholes up till they tell us? Avery, you live on beer and smokes. I don't have a single muscle on my body and no offence but 067 doesn't look like the strongest person either! We're some of the weakest people in here" Avery was about to argue with Alex but Sae-byeok spoke before her, "I have an idea. Needa check something before I can confirm if it will work or not" Alex raised her eyebrows again, "well don't be shy tell us what your idea is!" "I told you, I needa check something first" "well okay then. Tell us after" Sae-byeok nodded and hopped off her bed, walking towards where the door to the bathroom was. Alex turned to Avery with that 'i know you like her' kinda look. Avery spoke before Alex could say anything, "yeah yeah I get it I get it you want me to tell you what me and her talked about" "yes you bitch stop beating around the bush and tell me" "if we weren't meant to be on the same team I'd be beating the shit out of you right now" "don't change the subject" Avery rolled her eyes, "fine fine. She asked why I came back and I told her it's because I had nothing to lose. I asked her why she came back but she didn't tell me. And I got her name. Sae-byeok" Alex smirked, "nice name. What do you think she's got planned?" Avery shrugged, "not sure. She seems smart so I trust her. Plus she's sexy and I trust anyone who's sexy sooo" "okay then. We should get more people on our side. Smart people, and strong people. I say we start with Sasha" Alex quickly changed the subject. Avery nodded, "alright. We should talk to her" "yup yup. Let's do it now" The two girls hopped off the beds and walked over to where Sasha was sitting. Her bed was above the old man's bed. Sasha gave Alex and Avery a small wave before jumping off her bed to talk to them, "hey Sasha. How's that mafia business going ay?" Avery teased. Sasha looked frustrated, "lower your voice Avery. I don't trust a single soul here besides you two and maybe that old ass man" "alright alright sheeeesh Sasha" Avery laughed. "What do you two even want? We lost contact years ago" Sasha asked. "We want you on our team. Don't want you getting into trouble with the wrong sort" Alex said while glancing over at Riley, who was shaking hands with 101. Sasha smiled and nodded, "yeah, was gonna join y'all anyway. Who else is with you two?" "067. Averys got the hots for her-" "I DO NOT" "mhm" Sasha chuckled at the two. Avery rolled her eyes but secretly she was enjoying being back with Alex and Sasha. Avery noticed a man walking towards them, 456, the man who wanted money so he could take custody of his daughter. What did he want? "Hey, 369, 368 and 002. I overheard your conversation and heard that you three are in a team. I thought that maybe you three would want to join my team- " Alex cut him off "EW ur ugly as fuck no fuck off" Avery rolled her eyes, "who's in your team?" "218, 199, 001 and me" "y'all have the smelly old fucker on ur team?" Alex rolled her eyes, "Avery he's right behind us" "oh.." What was taking Sae-byeok so long? Where the fuck was she? Sasha spoke up, "yeah, we'll join" 456 smiled, "great great. Is it just the three of you?" Avery spoke this time, "no we also have 067, wherever she is" 456 looked half mad half terrified, "the fucking pickpocket?" "Yeah... wait what do you mean pickpocket?" "Nevermind.." Avery saw Sae-byeok walking back into the room from the bathroom. She walked over to them. "Soo we kinda just joined a whole ass team" Alex said to her. Sae-byeok raised an eyebrow, "with who exactly?" "456, 218, 199, 001, and us" Avery answered for Alex. Sae-byeok nodded, "cool cool cool. Just note that I don't trust anyone of you except Avery and maybe Alex you got that?" This time Sasha answered, "loud and clear miss. What is your name?" Sae-byeok frowned, "as far as your concerned I don't have a name" Avery shot a quick glare at Alex, internally begging her not to let it spill that she accidentally told her Sae-byeok's name. Alex thankfully got the hint and didn't say anything about it, instead asking, "sooooooo when do we get food? I'm kinda hungry not gonna lie," she groaned. Sasha shrugged, "I have no clue. I hope we get good food though." A monotone voice suddenly echoed around the room. "30 minutes until lights out." Alex sadly patted Sashas shoulder. "I guess that means we should go back to our beds. We're gonna have to leave you here with.... that." She said while pointing to number 001. Sasha brushed off Alex's hand, "hey, he's not all that bad. Well hurry up then. Goodnight." Alex skipped away and waved, followed by Avery and Sae-byoek. They got to their beds, and waited till 'lights out' came. "Oh my gosh, we're not gonna get any food tonight." Alex gasped. "Oh for fucks sake. I am going to cry." Avery stomped on her bed. "Don't complain, just shut up." "I let you complain." "Sounds like a problem." "Your problem with my complaints sounds like a you problem" "A me problem you can fix" "Why would I fix your you problem, when it's a you problem for a reason." "Because that's polite." "I'm only polite to people I like. Fuck off" "No you." "I will if you will." "We sleep on top of eachother mate I-" "What?" "What?" "On top of eachother?" "Yeah, we OH SHIT-" "BRO GO BE HORNY SOMEWHERE ELSE" "I AINT hORNY" "buT YOU ARE" "YOU WANNA SEE HORNY" "OH HELL NAW I-" Sae-byoek cleared her throat, promptly silencing the arguing two. "Please can you be quiet." She said calmly, although almost kinda mean. "Oh sorry Sae-byoek, we'll be quiet." Avery apologized. "Thanks," Sae-byoek said quietly. Although Avery couldn't see it, Sae-byeok was staring daggers at Alex. Alex glaring right back. "Lights out. Please go to sleep. Idk." The lights suddenly turned off, only the yellow piggy bank full of cash was still lit. It was silent.

A/n: lmao this chapter is long. I'm trying to get chapters out as quickly as possible so I can get started on my next project but my friend who I'm writing with has gone ghost and I have to write these long ass chapters without her. Idrc cuz she probably has something going on but that's why i probably won't be updating as much. Will try to get one chapter done a day tho. Luv y'all hope you have a great day/night <3

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