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I looked at Kakucho who's looking at South with fear in his eyes after he beat up some guys. I haven't seen him fear someone like that that wasn't Izana when he's angry. Ran and Rindou looked scared too, it feels like I've missed a part in this new chapter in our lives. 

Wakasa kicked South multiple times then Benkei hit South and he flew backward. When he hit the ground he sat up and started talking.

I couldn't hear what he said that clear because he was far away. Then he took off his shirt and I could see two gun wounds on his collar. Everyone's eyes widened in fear and he got his look in his eyes screaming blood thrust. Mikey mumbled something for himself saying dark impulse. South charged at Wakasa and Benkei and in an instant, they were on the ground. Then South started talking again and I heard something about him loving violence because of something. Then he turned toward us and looked at Mikey.

"Mikey, you get me don't you?" he said and Mikey just looked angry.

Then I saw Senju stepping up walking towards South. Then Kakucho came towards us.

"Everyone of them is down now," he said.

I didn't realize that all of the Rokuhara members were already were down on the ground unconscious or sitting on the ground watching in pain. Then I heard Senju screaming as she ran towards South dodging his attacks then landing a kick on his face. South was laying on the ground not moving now. Izana and the others came running towards us and he came to stand beside me and he held my hand. The brothers and Sanzu took seats on a pile of unconscious guys they stacked up. I just laughed at them as Ran gave me a jokingly smile with Rindou behind him making thumbs up with a smile too. Sanzu just played with one of the guy's hair and tried to braid it.

"What have we missed while fighting?" Izana asked me.

"Well South took down Wakasa and Benkei in one blow, then Senju came and he wasn't able to land a hit on her, and she kicked him in the face and now he's laying over there not moving," I said.

"He really took down Benkei and Waka that fast?! I think I underestimated him a little, but he's no match for me and Mikey so don't worry. Wakasa and Benkei are old now too, their almost thirty now. That Senju girl seems strong too, but I don't really think she can keep it up that long if South comes back up and gets one of his impulses again," he said.

"Hmm, we should help her if that happens," I said and he nodded.

I looked at Kakucho and still saw some fear in his eyes. He may be hard to read sometimes but if you've lived with him this long you'll know.

"What's wrong Kaku? you seem scared" I said.

"It's just, South won't go down that easy. You know, when he tried to make me join him I didn't want to so he started attacking me. His power level almost meets with Izana's and Mikey's and Ran said that Mikey was able to fight after getting hit by a pipe multiple times in the head at the age of 15 on bloody Halloween if I am right?" he said and looked at Mikey who nodded.

After he said that South started moving again. Soon enough he was back on his feet again looking crazier than before and went towards Senju. Mikey stepped forward walking towards South.

"It's never ok to hit a woman even if she hit you before. Show some respect and fight a man instead" he said and South turned around with a smirk.

"Mikey, you finally stepped out and decided to fight just to fight me, how kind," South said as an irk mark came on Mikey's face.

They both charged at each other and Mikey made one of his kicks which made South fly back. Mikey landed a bunch of hits on South and it looked like he started to get tired. He started missing all of his hits and it looked like Mikey could continue for days si he had no choice. He ran towards Senju who had her back towards him arguing with Takeomi. He grabbed her then kicked Takeomi sending him flying away at Wakasa and Benkei.

"Give up or she dies Mikey," he said with an evil smile on his lips.

Mikey glanced at me and Izana really quickly and went down on his knees. "I give up if you leave her alone," he said and South looked confused.

"Do you really give up that easily? What happened to you, Mikey?" he said. "You're weaker than I thought, a lot weaker than I thought" It looked like South would let go of Senju at first then he grabbed her throat and threw her on Mikey making both of them fly away.



Everyone screamed.

"Let's go," I said to Izana as we ran up behind South and both of us kicked each side of his head in surprise.

"Surprise you fucker" Izana said as he fell to the ground.

"That's what you get for hurting a girl and family," I said.

"Thet was powerful, I got to get kicked by the power couple Izana and Y/N, also known as the Red Fangs after the bloody fight in January last year. I wonder if I can trigger the same blood thrust you guys had back then. I mean 500 men vs you two that lead to death and serious injuries that lead to death. I'm surprised that you didn't get caught after that incident, you murderers," South said.

Yes, that did happen. My Father had planned everything by killing himself targeting a girl looking like me to make it seem like I wouldn't get any more problems in my life. But in reality, he had a gang of a bunch of men stalking me every day to find the best possible chance to kill me. But I was underestimated, Izana too. It was about 500 men surrounding us in the forest in the winter where we had nowhere to run and get help. We fought a bunch of them and managed to run away but we were still followed. We came to a place with train rails that were open. We fought more and more and more of them. Then a train came. It hit so many of the men and we saw it as a chance to run again. We came to a field and got surrounded again but more than half of them weren't there and some of the ones coming out from the forest tripped and hit their heads. We fought everyone left, the snow on the ground where red because of all the blood. Both of us got frustrated because it never ended more guys kept on coming. But at last, all of them were on the ground hardly wounded and we were the only ones left. We had just taken down 500 men not children but men, grown-up strong men just us two, two teenagers. We found a hiding spot in the forest we could rest in until the sun came up then we had to find our way home. But first, we went to the hot springs to shower and take away all of our smell. Then we got new clothes and went to fix our hair at the barber. I coloured it (however you want) and Izana went back to the middle part he had before his hair grew longer again. He kinda looked like Mikey back then because Rindou and I always played with his hair putting it in ponytails or in braids. And here we are now.

"We weren't the ones who killed them there on the spot it was a train that hit them and the others died in the hospital or because of the weather," I said to clarify him a bit.

"But they still died because of you" he teased, damn this guy goes on my nerves.

"They had to die for us to live," I said turning my head to the side so I couldn't see his ugly ass face.

He went towards us and grabbed my chin, "look at me when I-"

Izana kicked him again making him fly away again.

"Don't you ever just hurt my brother then touch what's mine!" he screamed and got this angry look on his face.

He started hitting and kicking South on and on and on again. South started coughing up blood and where had blood everywhere. Mikey stood up and went towards Izana and grabbed the unconscious South with one arm then gave Izana a forehead flick with his hand on the other arm making Izana look at him. He stopped and looked at Mikey who was smiling at him.

"We don't want anyone to die here and besides, the cops are coming so we have to go now!" he said. 

Everyone started running away. We decided to drive towards the hospital leaving South Sitting on the ground ready to get arrested. We arrived at the hospital with Takemichi and Inui who ran in to check on Draken. The doctor said that everything is gonna be fine but it will take some time to heal. Draken had survived the day.


Sorry for the wait. I haven't been at home so I haven't had the opportunity to write I'm sorry hehe. But here it is and from now on I can't follow the manga because it hasn't released any more chapters yet :)

Hope you have a great day<3

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