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i let out a sigh as i ran my hands down my face. it's currently 1:54 a.m. and i'm in my tour bunk, trying to fall asleep.

i grabbed my phone and turned it on, though my face scrunched up at how bright it was. i turned the brightness to a little under halfway before getting on instagram.

i scrolled through it for a while. at one point though, i heard small footsteps. soon after, the bus went over a particularly bumpy area. i heard a small thud, followed by an "shit, dude!"

i peeked my head out of my curtain to see who it was. i spotted billie, her leg pulled up as she held her foot; i'm guessing she had stubbed her toe.

she glanced over at me and jumped back some, though she fell backwards, landing on her ass. i let out a quiet laugh as she did, knowing that almost everybody else on the bus was trying to sleep.

"fuck, bro, you scared the shit out of me." she muttered as she stood back up.

i just gave a smile and a giggle in response. i tilted my head. "what are you doing up?"

"what are you doing up?" she countered.

"can't sleep." i answered.

"nightmare." she sighed.

"damn," i pursed my lips together before teasingly asking "you need me to come and cuddle you so won't have another one?"

she playfully rolled her eyes before placing her entire damn hand on my face to push me back gently. "nah, i'm good. i'm a woman; i can handle a nightmare or two." she scrunched her face up at me.

"if that's what helps you sleep at night, then sure." i snorted.

she poked the center of my forehead with her index finger. "go to sleep, aspirin."

"go to sleep, billie bob." i mocked her as i poked her side.

"nah. i'm getting water." she reached out to close my curtain back, and i heard her laugh to herself as she walked off. i shook my head with a laugh of my own before laying back down.

i resumed my scrolling through instagram. about five minutes passed before i heard the same, small footsteps from earlier. suddenly, my curtain was opened and i turned my head to see that billie had bent down a bit to look into my bunk.

"uh... were you serious about coming to cuddle..?" she questioned in a mumble.

"why? you scared?" i teased.

"no," she huffed. "i just... i haven't had cuddles for a while, and if you're offering them, then i'm not gonna turn them down."

i playfully rolled my eyes before placing my entire hand on her face to push her back, like she had done to me. "move, so i can get out of my bunk."

i could've sworn i watched a brief smile form on her face, though i didn't think much into it. i got out of my bunk, and she barely gave me a chance to stand up straight before she grabbed my hand to lead me to the back of the tour bus.

this tour bus is definitely a million times better than any tour bus i've ever been on. it had a whole full-size bed at the back of the second level. the bunks were kinda roomy, and it was just a really nice tour bus altogether.

once again... perks of touring with an a-list celebrity.

billie had told me that one day she planned to buy her own tour bus to customize it. she said she wanted something like justin bieber's. whenever i said that i didn't know what his looked like, she made me sit with her and watch a tour of it that he did on youtube.

"i'm gonna go ahead and warn you now, i'm an aggressive ass cuddler." she told me.

"it doesn't surprise me." i shook my head before letting out a laugh as she pulled me onto the bed with her.

"here, lay how you want to first." she told me. i laid on my back, and she smiled before laying her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around me. "there we go." she murmured.

it only took a few minutes for her to fall asleep. i laid there a bit longer, and i couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face as i laid there, before falling asleep too.


i let out a sigh as i looked down at the ukulele i was holding before beginning to strum the strings and sing softly.

"are you okay? 'cause you're the one who needed space. and finally now i'm doing fine, you would rather see me cry."

the door to the green room opened, though i didn't really pay it any mind as i kept singing softly.

a moment later, i felt the couch dip. i turned to see that it was billie in here. i stopped singing, though i still absentmindedly played the chords.

"don't let me interrupt; keep singing, aspirin."

i rolled my eyes at the name before waving her off. "nah, it's cool; i was basically done anyways."

she made a face at me, which made me let out a laugh.

she then propped her legs on the couch and in my lap. i set my ukulele to the side before i rested my hands on her legs, though my brows furrowed as i held them.

"bro, you got some muscular ass calves. jesus christ," i looked at her with wide eyes. "like, holy fucking shit."

she let out a loud laugh at that.

"drop the workout routine right now." i demanded.


i sent her an unamused stare, but it only made her giggle. "if you really want it, you can just start working-out with me."

"i might have to take you up on that offer." i sighed.

"i'll be looking forward to it."


a/n ayo


any predictions? things you wanna see?

also— not some of y'all tryna marry me on the face reveal chap ☝️😏



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