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it's been about two months.

just a little over a month ago, me and billie finished happier than ever, the world tour. while i can't exactly say that i enjoyed every second of it, i'm glad i was able to go on it. the shows were incredible, i had a lot of fun with everybody who was a part of the tour, and my relationship with billie blossomed on it.

as a whole, i'd say it was a success.

like billie had promised me, only a few days after tour ended, she took me somewhere. she took me to somewhere in hawaii, to disappear for a bit.

stream nda.

we've been here for nearly three weeks. it's honestly been really relaxing, and we've both enjoyed our time here. it was definitely needed, for the both of us.

in our time here, billie has actually tanned a bit. her skin is fairly darker than her usual, milky complexion. it's an odd sight, but it's definitely a welcome one; she somehow looks more attractive.

also during the few weeks that we've been here, we've had no run ins with paparazzi; thank god. nobody has even come up to us to ask for a picture or anything.

that's been really nice. it makes me feel so at peace.

"you wanna know what i've noticed?" billie asked out of nowhere.

we had been laying on the private beach area that our bungalow was at. we were laying under a beach umbrella. i was in billie's arms, with my back pressed against her front. we had just been enjoying each other's presence; we hadn't talked much.

"what did you notice, baby?" i raised a brow.

"the difference between dating a man and dating a woman," she pursed her lips for a moment. "like... dating a woman feels more intimate, in a way? like, i just feel a much deeper connection than i have with any man i've ever dated."

she was silent for a moment. "well... maybe that's just because i've only ever dated shitty men, but still," she shrugged.

i giggled. "yeah, i get what you're saying. i've never dated men; i've only talked to them, but relationships with women are just... i dunno, they're so superior in a way that i can't put into words."

"yeah," she murmured as she placed a kiss to the side of my head. "i love you," she whispered sweetly.

i turned my head, and i saw that she had an adorable smile played on her lips. i pressed my lips to her's. "i love you too."

she rested her head over my shoulder. her hands rubbed my arms. "kinda on this topic, but i think that... i think i'm pansexual," she told me.

i turned to look at her with a growing smile on my face. "yeah?"

"yeah," she nodded. she had a pretty big smile on her face too. "like... i dunno, people are just beautiful, man. i like people," she laughed a bit.

i grinned, and i kissed her cheek. "hell yeah, my love."

she smiled shyly. "i'ma keep it to myself for a bit... well, i'ma tell fin, my parents, drew, and zoe of course, but besides them, i'm going to keep it to myself for a bit. it just feels good to finally know after questioning it for so long."

"i'm proud of you," i murmured. "and i love you, so much."

"thank you," she giggled. "i love you too!"

i peppered kisses across her face. she laughed as she fell back against the sand. she soaked in my attention with the biggest grin on her face.

life is good. life is really good.

end of story

a/n and it's finishedddd

i was so excited for this when it first started but i lost inspiration for it so quickly 😭

i love the concept but i think i went about it the wrong way... i don't like how i wrote it 🫠

either way, thank you for showing support on this, ily sm

take care of yourselves please! stay hydrated too :)


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