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"you look so stupid," i laughed loudly.

"i look weird," billie giggled. "i don't look like myself."

"yeah, that's kinda the whole point."

she sent me a playful glare before letting out a small laugh. "you look pretty weird too!"

"i do," i agreed as i looked in the mirror.

me and billie have another day where neither of us have anything to do. so, we have dressed up in disguises so that we can go out without being bombarded by paparazzi and all of that shit. we both look stupid, but we also look unrecognizable.

"you ready?" i asked as i raised a brow.

she took a final glance in the mirror before nodding. "yeah, let's go."

we went to walk out of her house, but we were stopped by shark. he whined as he saw that we were leaving, and he desperately tried to come with us.

"sorry, baby, you gotta stay here," billie mumbled in a cute voice as she scratched behind his ears.

he whined some more, which made billie pout. she pressed a kiss to the top of his head before we walked out of her house.


"it's so weird being able to go out without getting recognized," i commented before eating some of my fro-yo.

"right?" billie agreed. "i mean, i've gone out a few times before and nobody came up to me, but when i got home, i saw that paps had gotten several pictures of me. i don't think that'll happen today though; we look completely different," she giggled.

"we do! i hope the paps can't recognize us, 'cause that would suck ass," i mumbled as i poked my remaining fro-yo with my spoon. "'cause it seems that every time we go out with the intentions of it being 'just us' or not getting recognized, it happens anyways."

billie frowned. she placed her hand on the table, palm up, which signaled me to place my hand in her's. i did so. "hey, don't worry about it, alright? it won't happen today."

"i hope not," i sighed as her thumb soothingly rubbed the back of my hand.


"c'mon!" billie laughed as she tugged me behind her.

we're currently at the santa monica pier. bil is dragging me through the crowds of people so that we can get on the ferris wheel.

"i am! sheesh!" i giggled as i followed closely behind her.

we reached the line. it wasn't that long, but at the same time, it wasn't short either.

"i hate waiting in lines," billie complained after a moment.

"no celebrity perks today," i teased as i booped her nose.

she sent me an unamused look. she then smiled before giving me a kiss.

today has been really fun so far. after we ate our fro-yo, we went and walked around a park for a while.

after that, we drove here to the santa monica pier. we played some arcade games, and we rode the rollercoaster already. billie screamed like a child the entire time; it was pretty funny.

billie kept giving me tons of kisses while we waited in line for the ferris wheel. needless to say, she loves kisses. it's adorable.

eventually, it was our turn to get on the ferris wheel. billie interlaced our fingers after we sat down, and she scooted as close to me as possible.

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