Chapter 1- Man Next Door

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        It's been a day since the incident happened, you've felt weird since. It really does feel like someone's here. Though, the touching feeling has not returned, thankfully.

You sat on your bed, knees to chest. Your arms were wrapped around the tip of your knees. Your face was buried deep behind your arms, making it so your eyes were the only significant part of your face visible. Your eyes looked dead as you stared out your open window. A soft breeze coming through it. Your room was on the second floor, but even so, you swore you saw something outside your window in the alley between you and your neighbors house. You squinted, making the silhouette of the person clearer. You squinted a little to hard, causing you to blink, making the figure disappear. You frowned, was it your imagination? You pondered for a moment, a small grumble from your stomach distracting you. You sighed, deciding you should eat.

You hurried down the stairs, running straight into the kitchen.
"What should I eat?" you asked yourself. You walked over to the counter, looking at the snacks from your trip you had yet to put away. You decided to eat some cookies, grabbing about three before heading back upstairs.

You opened your door and went to go sit on your bed, but you stopped, something was off. You couldn't place your finger on it, but someone had been in your room. A chill ran down your spine as you looked around your room. Suddenly, you finally noticed what it was, you jumped back in surprise. Your closet door was creaked open.

        You sped down the stairs, running straight outside. You stopped when you were in front of your neighbors house. You looked around hesitantly, and knocked on the front door. The door creaked open slowly.
        "Is there anything you need?" a man appeared, he looked around your age. He had a slight stubble on his chin, complimenting his other masculine features. He was big, but not fat, more muscle than fat. He had bright emerald eyes that glowed in the lighting. A slight scar ran over the side of his lip and another scar over his right eye, more noticeable than the other scar. He had black, fluffy hair that curled up slightly. You hadn't even realized you were staring until the man snapped you out of your trance. "Hey, kid," he says firmly as he snaps his fingers about a foot from your face, thankfully.
        Your body jerks out of its trance and you finally speak, "I need help," you say simply. The man looks at you confused. "Someone was in my house, I live alone," you elaborate. He looks at you with slight shock, but not enough for someone to catch on.

        "You screwing with me kid?" the man asks a voice of disbelief.
        "No, I'm not. I had seen someone standing outside my house a moment prior too," you say sternly.
        "Okay, listen kid," the man says.
        "(Y/N)," you say simply. The man looks at you confused. "My name, its (Y/N)," You say slightly irritated. "Also, I'm not a kid. I'm an adult, like you," I say with the same tone as before.

        "Why didn't you call the police?" he asks looking at me with his eyebrow cocked.

        You hesitate for a moment before opening you mouth but closing it again. The man chuckles slightly at your lack of an answer, he lets his head hang as his smile grows. He looks back up at you for a moment, looking at you up and down, his smile drops. He wore an unreadable, straight face now.

        "You're serious," he says as he comes to a realization. His eyes widen slightly. "Come with me," he says as he reaches for you hand, but before he can grab it, you retract your hand at an insanely quick speed. He looks at you with the confused look again.

        "I-I have a fear of being touched, i-its really bad. I-I get panic attacks sometimes," you choke out. His eyes widen again. His hand flies away from you.

        "Shit. My bad man," he says as he starts to back up to give you more space. He opens his door enough for you to squeeze in but you don't quite understand. You stare at him for a moment before he speaks again, "Uhm, you gonna come in or?" he asks you. You sorta back away, fearing what this man could do to you once you enter his house. He chuckles at you again, but more nervous this time. "I won't bite, don't worry," he looks at you, his eyes softening. "You have to trust me, I think I know who snuck into your house," he says firmly. You look at him with a untrusting gaze. You firmly shut your eyes, holding your hand up in front of his face. You think for a moment before finally coming to a decision.

        "Fine," you say as your gaze locks into his.

        You and him were sitting across from each other in his living room. He seemed to be regaining his thoughts.
        "Okay," he starts, "What exactly happened?" he asks you with a determined look in his eyes.

        "Well," you try recalling the events that had happened. "It all started yesterday," you start, "I was unpacking boxes when I got a creepy feeling like I was being touched," he only nods in response. "There was a sense of dread when that happened, I starting crying," your voice quiets down at the last part. You look over to the stranger in front you. His eyes soften as you start to shift awkwardly. You and him sit in silence for what seems to be forever.

"I'm not judging, continue," he says softly as he gives me a warm smile. You feel your face heat slightly at this action.

"Well, after that I had felt a feeling of being watched and it had continued until I ran over here," you look down, feeling the fear rise in you again. "I was heading back up to my room after I had gotten a snack and I felt something off when I entered my room." You continued, "I had noticed my closet door slightly open, which I had not previously had open." Whoever this creep was, they could still be in your house.

        "Just as I suspected," he says as he starts stroking his chin. "You see," he starts. "Recently there have been murders going around town, some of the victims of those murders had reported that they felt they were being watched for over a week before they died." Your blood runs cold as you feel your body freeze. "The killer is known as 'Ghostface'," he says lowly.

        "Ghostface?" you had sworn you had heard that name before.

        "Are you familiar?" he asks.

        "Can't say I am," you say, your fear from before being carried into your voice.

"Well, I'll catch you up kid," he said with a wink, causing you to blush slightly at the flirty gesture. "Ghostface is notorious for his... motives..." the man trailed off. "He wanted fame, doing anything to reach that fame, or that's what we had guessed."

"How did you guys guess that?" you asked.

"Well, have you ever heard of Jed Oslen?" he asked, suddenly the gears began working again. Jed Oslen was a man who you had worked under, you had always trusted his judgement and he was even kind enough to allow you to work from home due to your... trauma. He was a very inspirational man, until... he was exposed. You had selective memory which is why you you didn't recognize the name "Ghostface" at first. Your selective memory had made you push away the memories you and Jed had made together. Jed... he was so kind to you, he flirted with you but mostly in a platonic way, but you hadn't figured it out at that time, that's probably why you... fell for him.

"Kid?" the man called for you, concerned.

"O-oh! I'm so sorry sir," you quickly apologized.

"Nah, it's fine kid," he chuckled slightly. "By the way, my name is Zac," he said. Zac... that name suited him just fine.

"W-well I'm,"

"(Y/N)," he says simply.

         "What?" you asked, confused how he knows your name.

        "(Y/N), you told me your name earlier," he chuckled lightly. Your eyes widen as you feel the blood rush to your face, you snap your head down to look at the ground. You feel utter embarrassment that you forgot you told him your name already.

He starts laughing harder now, "Man, your reactions are real funny (Y/N)!" Zac laughed. You growl slightly under your breath as you glare at him through your eyelashes.

His laughing dies down and suddenly he makes eye contact with you making you jump. You quickly turn your head away from the man.

"(Y/N)," he says in a serious manner. He continues, "Are you sure you don't know who Ghostface is?" He speaks again, "(Y/N, your... reaction... earlier after I told you his real name, it made it seem like you knew the man."

"I do," you say simply.

"Really?" he responds, his eyes slightly lighting up.

"Yes, let me explain."

1,555 words

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