Day 7/ Impression Impact

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Leah's pov
We were 3 days away from the game. I went to get dressed in a dress that said Cheer on it, I also wore rainbow earrings, I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. Good morning to my baby brother Luca and my mom. I went outside to wait for Lance and his friends.
Lance's pov
I arrived to get Leah. I complimented her on her outfit and she said thank you. I helped her in the truck as we drove away. I saw a women standing there I was thinking it was her mom and baby brother Luca. We went straight to lunch
Billy Bob's pov
It was 5 mins before lunch and we were practicing. Leah and the cheer team were busy getting ready, because we were only 3 days away from the big game and I wanted to win. We took a break and me, Mox, and, Lance caught eye of Leah flipping and dancing. Leah turned around to see the three of us starring at her in shock. She laughed. Lance start to blush Leah blushed too as we put back on our helmets, and got back to work.
Leah's pov
Just like that it was lunchtime. I was starving when I got my Lunch went to sit someplace alone. Started picturing me and Lance as parents. I was very happy with the pic and it gave me a happy feeling inside. I'm sure it was giving Lance one to probably not. He was talking to his buddies. after lunch, I went back to my classes. after school, I went home and did my homework, put my baby brother to bed. Went and chilled in my room

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