Chapter I

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As soon as she arrived, Anne noticed that her entire household was there to greet her, but Henry was nowhere to be seen. Typical. Anne blinked back tears. She regained her poise and exited the carriage.

Her sister Mary came and gave her a hug, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank God you're not dead Anne. You are truly blessed." She whispered as she released Anne and regained her place next to Lady Eleanor Brandson.

Anne smiled for the millionth time that day. She was home and she was safe. Everything she could have wanted.

As she made her way to her chamber, Anne noticed Lady Mary standing to the side of the hallway. Anne shooed everyone away and approached Mary.

Mary refused to look at her. "What do you want?" She whispered. "Listen, Mary, I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. I was selfish and hateful. But the time in the tower has changed me. I want to try to fill the space in your heart that used to contain the love of your family. I really want to try." Anne told her never breaking eye contact.

Mary looked at her shocked. "Okay." Anne smiled. "Great! I'll speak to you later, I need to see Elizabeth." Mary nodded and walked away from Anne.

"Maman!" Elizabeth shouted, and raced into her mother's arms. "Mon chéri, proper princesses don't run." Anne scolded in a teasing voice. "But I'll let it slide just this once."

"Anne." A new voice spoke, male this time. Anne glanced up and saw Henry and Jane in the doorway. She straightened. "Henry. Miss Seymour." Jane looked pale. "I- thought you were arriving tomorrow." She stuttered. Trying to compose herself. Anne was about to respond to this, but her sister, Mary ran through the door.

"Anne we need-" She stoped and curtsied to Henry. "Your Majesty. Lady Seymour." She turned back to Anne. "We need to go through your wardrobe. Elizabeth can come as well." She curtsied again and pulled Anne out of the room, Elizabeth behind them. "Are you alright?" She asked her sister. Then, in a lower voice, "I can't believe that whore is still here. I'm worried that she'll try to get rid of you."

Anne frowned, "Don't be silly." She responded. "Now, let's go look at that wardrobe."But, as they walked down the hall, Anne started to question her words. What if Jane would try to get rid of her? The question left a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

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