Chapter 4

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After searching the whole house from top to bottom and finding no sign of Matthew anywhere, I told Isabel to telephone the mainland for the police, but as of yet, just a missing persons report. Meanwhile, I sat down to think about where on earth the missing Matthew could actually be.

"Have we checked the grounds?" I asked. "He must be on the island somewhere, right?"

"I've sent Caleb and Henry down to the dock" Charles Lockwood, or Lincoln Gray as his actual name was, told me. Caleb had been playing Jackson Lockwood, and Henry was Reece Danvers.

"They'll be able to tell whether or not Matthew's still on the island" Mrs. Lockwood, whose actual name was Linda Luck, added. She was sitting with Ellie and Amber/Grace in the corner, comforting the latter, who was crying bitterly. It appeared she and this Matthew had been engaged to be married. I decided not to press the subject.

I sent Newham, Broker, Lincoln and the doctor to search the grounds, as I wanted Hettie and Isabel with me. They seemed to realise that also, and we moved to the other side of the room, where Amber, Ellie and Linda wouldn't hear.

"Do you reckon this is all part of the act?" Isabel asked. I frowned.

"It had crossed my mind" I admitted to her. "But, if it was faked, then surely they wouldn't have let you call the police, Izzy."

"Unless the police station at Southampton was briefed beforehand" Hettie pointed out. I frowned.

"I suppose. Seems an awkward way of going about, and technically they could go down for wasting police time. Besides, how could they have been sure that you weren't going to ring up Scotland Yard, Izzy? Or any other police station?"

"So it's real?" Hettie said disbelievingly.

"One way to check" I replied simply. I turned to the other three women in the room.

"Is this real?" I asked them. They looked at each other in amazement, before Ellie jumped up.

"Of course it's real, silly child!" she snapped. "Would Amber be crying her eyes out if it wasn't?"

"But you're an acting troupe" I pointed out, rising to her challenge. "Your job is to make stuff real. How do we know this isn't all part of the act?"

"You are a heartless child!" Ellie scolded. "I think it's about time you start being a little more sympathetic! If..."

"If we find Matthew" I cut in coldly. "And if he has no pulse, then I will believe you."

I turned away and sat down, leaving Ellie boiling to herself furiously. Hettie and Isabel looked shocked.

"I guess it's real now" Hettie murmured. I shook my head.

"Nope. We wait until we have a body with no pulse. Then we say it's real."

"Allie!" Isabel snapped. "That really is heartless!"

I relented a little.

"Sorry, Izzy. I just have to be sure. I don't want them to make a fool out of us."

Isabel looked sternly at me, but gave in. I smiled, feeling more guilty now than I had before.

"You're good at being my conscience, Izzy" I sighed. "Sometimes, though, I just don't want to have one."

Isabel smiled, satisfied. We were interrupted by Broker, leaning in at the window.

"We've found him" he announced sadly. Amber screamed and began crying even more hysterically than she had been. I came over to the window, as did Hettie and Isabel, and Ellie strode over as well.

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